Wednesday, February 20, 2008

It's one of those days

I try to be positive on this blog of mine....but I'm just not feeling it today.

Yesterday, within a matter of minutes, Nate went from healthy to sick. His nose is a FOUNTAIN of snot! We had a record last night of how many times we were up....11 times! Wes put him down at 8:00pm and by 10:00pm he had already woken up twice so we knew we were in for a rough night. We did it in shifts....Wes stayed up until midnight and then I took over until 5:00am.....Wes until 6:30am. :) Every time I went in there he just looked miserable. Poor little guy.

And today....crisis after crisis has hit my desk for work. I wish I could use the saying:
"Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine!" with my clients! But....I can't. That's the joy of the advertising business. Everything seems to be a crisis.

So, that's my venting for today. Thanks for listening.


Amander said...

Sorry you had such a bad day. Hopefully Nate will get better quickly and work will calm down!

Doreen Griffeth said...

So SORRY! I would rather be sick any day than have one of my kids sick!!!! Hope he gets well soon!!!!!

laurel said...

Poor Nate!! And poor you! I am sorry and hope it gets better VERY soon. Ashton has the saddest cough I've ever heard right now - I am worried it's going to turn for the worse too.

Ali said...

Ditto with work...and I'm on maternity leave!

familyof4 said...

Sorry about the rough night. I hope today is better.
Babyrub from Vicks is wonderful! It's for 3 months and up! =0)

Tina said...

There is a childs book out called Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. It's a cute book and I think of it when I'm having a bad day. I hate it when little ones are sick, they are so miserable and they have no idea why and there is only so much you can do for them. Hang in there hope he gets better soon.

leigh and spencer said...

Man, I'm glad he didn't get that from Leigh

Megan said...

Oh man, cold season is the WORST. I get cleaning/disinfecting CRAZY when the season arrives and I don't stop all year long!lol This year seems to be the worst. Poor Nate, I hope he gets better soon...and I also hope you and Wes don't get it too.

Lillie said...

I can't believe you're overworked mommy and overworked professional all in one day. Yikes.