Friday, December 28, 2007

some handmade christmas gifts

Since I didn't make my Christmas cards this year, I decided to make a few gifts.

It all started when we were trying to come up with gifts for our young women in our ward. I told everyone about these frames Sam makes and volunteered to see if I could make them, too. I think they turned out pretty cute. The girls liked them, at least. Each frame was made of different paper, matching ribbon & their first initial.

I made a few packs of homemade cards but didn't take a picture before I wrapped them up.

Most members of my family like a fleece blanket. I hadn't made them in a few years so I figured they could use a replacement. So, I made 11 fleece blankets ~ one for everyone in my family.

It made for a busy December but I enjoy making things so it was fun!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Our Christmas

Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve day was a little crazy at our house. I offered to help my mom with some of the food for dinner and brunch on Christmas since my Grandma is in town and I knew she wouldn’t have as much time on her hands and could use the extra help. So, my day was spent preparing food, wrapping presents & playing with Nate. Wes had to work but got home around 1pm to help with all of the preparations.

I always look forward to Christmas Eve. I love having everyone go over to my parents house for a yummy dinner. Wes brought a Griffeth Christmas Eve tradition in to our family where we read part of Luke 2 combined with Christmas songs to tell the Christmas Story. It’s a nice addition to our usual Christmas Eve because it reminds us of the real reason we celebrate Christmas.

Christmas Morning
We convinced Sam to come stay at our house on Christmas Eve. We finished wrapping presents & played Skipbo. We get up a little (quite a few hours) before she usually does so she had a nice surprise when we were up and moving pretty early but she was a trooper and participated in our family opening presents. This is the first year since Wes and I have been married that we actually bought each other gifts. We usually just buy a bigger item we’ve been needing/wanting and call it good but this year we actually bought each other stuff. I have to say it was really fun! Thanks for all the good stuff, Wes. Even though Nate had no idea what was going on, it was fun having him around. It made us excited for the years to come with him! Wes couldn't resist and bought Nate his first set of golf clubs. :)

Christmas Day
We always have brunch on Christmas Day. This year was especially tasty with eggs, bacon, pancakes, potatoes, Leigh’s sausage balls, cinnamon/pumpkin breads, etc. After brunch, we started opening presents. It’s always a fun time for me. I love giving gifts and seeing what everyone thought of for each other. Growing up, we always went to a movie on Christmas Day but with 3 little ones, that isn’t happening anymore with all of us!

We stayed at my parents all afternoon and in to the evening. We got a short nap & then we played games for a while, had dinner & just hung out. We had a good time with my family!

my grandma & nate

my dad & nate in their matching hats. Nate's head has grown in the last 2 weeks so his doesn't fit anymore. :)

Sam & Nate with their hats.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Wide awake on Christmas morning

I'm not sure what is more frustrating. Your baby waking up all night long or being awake all night long while your baby sleeps.

Nate has not been very nice to me at night for the last month or so. Really, since we were in Georgia for Thanksgiving he hasn't slept well at night. Maybe it's because he's still sick, but it's been quite exhausting. I can't sleep anymore so I've had to take a sleep aid at night in order to not only fall asleep, but stay asleep.

Sam came over last night to do some final wrapping, play some games & stay the night at our house. We got to bed a little later than normal so I didn't take my sleep aid in fear that I'd be super groggy in the morning. I think I'd take groggy over wide awake all night!

As we were going to bed, Wes turned to me and said, "Watch....this will be the night he sleeps and you will be awake!" And so I sit....watching A Christmas Story.....while my cute little family sleeps.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Christmas Questionare

A few of you sent me this via email so I thought I'd throw it on the ol' Blog.

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Definitely wrapping paper with fun ribbon! I usually like to attach an ornament or something to the top, too.
2. Real or artificial tree? I’d love a real tree, but we settle for the fake. Easier clean up! Maybe once Nate is older we’ll take him to pick out a real tree.
3. When do you put up the tree? Ideally the weekend after Thanksgiving but it doesn’t always happen that way.
4. When do you take the tree down? Usually around New Years.
5. Do you like Eggnog? I tried it again last year and it wasn’t as gross as I remember but it’s definitely not good.
6. Favorite gift you received as a child. I loved (and still do) looking through my stocking.
7. Do you have a nativity scene? I almost have a complete one. It’s the Willow Tree Nativity that I LOVE!
8. Hardest person to buy for? The parentals, by far!
9. Easiest person to buy for? Nate!
10. Worst Christmas gift ever received? I don’t have an answer to that one!
11. Christmas cards.....Snail mail or E-mail? Absolutely in the mail. Hopefully we never turn in to an email card society.
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? Elf
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? I think about it pretty early & buy some gifts, but usually the bulk is done in December.
14. Have you ever "recycled" a Christmas present? A few times, yes! Last night at a white elephant party!
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Peppermint icecream.
16. Clear lights or colored or both on the tree? clear17. Favorite Christmas song? I love the Johnny Mathis Christmas CD and the Josh Groban Christmas CD!
18. Can you name Santa's Reindeer? Yep
19. Angel or Star on top of your tree? Star
20. Open presents Christmas Eve or Christmas morning? We used to open my mom’s best friend Babs’ gifts on Christmas Eve but now we don’t do that anymore for some reason. Everything is opened on Christmas Day!
21. Most annoying thing about this time of year? The traffic.
22. Shopping.....Mall or online or both. Usually all at the mall but this year I’ve done some online. I kinda like it. :)
23. Do you decorate outside for Christmas or just inside (or at all)? Somehow Wes has gotten out of doing outside lights since we got married but next year is the year our house will have outside lights! We always do inside.
24. Favorite Christmas cookie? I love most cookies.
25. Do you own Christmassy clothing or jewelry? Not a thing.
26. Do you believe in Santa Claus? Of course!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Saturday Shopping

SAM: I had to take a blogging break to play with your nephew. Our day of shopping was getting it's own post! :)

I've always loved to shop. I love running errands. However, I like to do it without a baby which doesn't happen very often.

Wes was sooo sooo sooo nice on Saturday. From 9am to 5:30pm he took Nate for me so I could go out Christmas shopping. My little sister, Sam, had the day off so I roped her in to going with me. She was just going to come in the morning but I convinced her to spend the day with me! We used to spend a lot of time together in Utah and when she wasn't at the GAP all of the time but it seems like we rarely see her anymore so I really enjoyed Saturday. I got lots of Christmas shopping & errands done and I have to say it was nice to be out and about without worrying about Nate. THANKS Wes! I may have to do that more often. :)

ALI: You know you are always welcome to come shopping with us but we already know you would have HATED Saturday! We were literally out for 8 hours and we loved every minute of it!

a christmas week

Saying this week was a little crazy is a huge understatement! I usually spend most days at home with Nate but this week we were out and about much more than we prefer. I'm hoping this week is a little calmer but I doubt it will be. Who really has a calm week before Christmas?

It was a good week with dinners I didn't have to prepare & lots of time with friends:

Tuesday night was our Christmas enrichment dinner that was delicious. Our ward has a tradition with this smoked pulled pork that is so tasty! Wednesday night we did a Christmas dinner for our Young Women, Thursday was my Book Club Christmas party and everyone brought great food, Friday night was the ward Christmas party & Saturday night we went over to some friends in our ward for another fabulous dinner! I really do enjoy spending time with friends and family, especially during the holidays.

Friday, December 14, 2007

4 months old

Nate turned 4 months old last week. He has definitely left the newborn stage and is turning in to quite the little boy.

He talks like you wouldn’t believe. Sometimes his talking is really a scream. You’d think he was complaining by the sound of it but he’s actually just playing. It’s pretty funny.

He kind of rolls over. Most of the time he just does a half roll where most of his body is over but he doesn’t seem to be too motivated to get his shoulders to turn. Every once in a while he surprises us and rolls all the way. When he does make it over to his tummy, he’s doing pretty well at holding his head up real high.

He grabs at toys. He started reaching for toys and he always has to have something in his hands which he immediately puts in to his mouth. It’s been fun to see his coordination develop and improve with being able to reach & grab things!

He had a few other firsts this month:
First Thanksgiving
First airplane ride
First cold, that he still has

He had his 4 month check last week, too. At 6 weeks he was only in the 17% percentile for weight and now he’s at 46% which was a good thing to see. He’s 26.5” long which is in the 90th percentile. He’s still our long skinny boy!

He still likes to wake up once or twice at night but he’s doing much better lately with his naps during the day so I can’t complain about that! He’s such a happy dude & we love him!

I usually don't buy the full outfit for Nate but I kinda had to with this one. The hat is so funny & warm! Here are a few other pictures we took....

After a few minutes of pictures, Nate was done participating for his mom!

Monday, December 10, 2007

a great day with my cute little family

It seems like the last few months have been so busy. Since we had Nate, I felt like my little family wasn't spending much time together. Because Wes and I are both heavily involved with the youth in our ward, during the week, one of us is gone almost every night. As soon as he walks in the door, one of us walks right back out to go to an activity or a meeting. Saturdays are no different. Wes plays golf a lot of Saturday mornings with my dad so when he comes home from that, I usually take off to run some errands. All of this means that we don't spend much time with just the three of us.

That's what made this weekend so great. Wes did have a training breakfast on Saturday morning but as soon as he got home, we were together the rest of the weekend. We got to see my new little niece, Daisy. What a sweet little girl. She's got LOTS of black, thin, straight hair. I think she looks a lot like her brother, Kyle. It was fun to hang out with my sister and her cute little family. Sam was also there which was an added bonus since it seems like she is always working these days.

Daisy & Abbie

Nate & Daisy

We decided to take advantage of having Sam around so we went to Cafe Rio for dinner. Then, we went back to Sam's house since we hadn't seen it since she decorated the place and she got me absolutely addicted to GUITAR HERO. Neither Wes nor I had ever played before and now I can see why so many of you are addicted. I am tempted to go and buy everything right now! Wes and I need to go back over soon so we can play with Sam & her roommate, Cassie.

I had such a great day with Wes & my little man. Nate didn't get his 3rd nap on Saturday but was amazingly still as content as can be! He liked watching his mom and dad play the guitar. :)

Friday, December 7, 2007

I'm an aunty again

My sister, Ali, had her baby this morning! Ali & Tripp never find out what they are having so we were very surprised to get the text message that it's another girl! It will be fun for Abbie to have a sister. Every girl needs a sister.

Daisy Elizabeth Thompson
8lbs. 2 oz.

Both Ali and Daisy are doing well. I can't wait to meet my new niece.
I'm excited for Nate to have so many cousins so close in age. He will have 4 cousins that are all within one year of him! More pictures of Nate and Daisy to come!

Monday, December 3, 2007

It's finally Christmas at our house

I'm usually so on top of everything this time of year. The house is usually decorated the weekend after Thanksgiving & I start making our Christmas cards in October so they are done before Thanksgiving so I can mail them early December.
Not this year! Being out of town for a week at Thanksgiving is rough. I wouldn't trade that week with the Griffeths for anything but it makes it hard to stay on top of everything. Plus, when mom and baby are sick it really slows things down.
We got our tree up on Saturday night ~ thanks Ryan & Leslie for your help! And then I finished decorating the house today. It's a little tradition my mom and I have. She comes over & spends the afternoon with me when I need to re-decorate & today was the day.
As far as the Christmas card goes, we'll be lucky if they arrive before December 25th. I can't find a picture of just Nate or of the three of us! I tried again today to take some of Nate but he was way too concerned about eating the blanket he was sitting on. Smiling at mom was not a priority! :) Here are a few photos of our afternoon!

I really do love the month of December and I hope to find time to do some holiday baking & enjoy the Christmas spirit with my family.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

A new RIO is in town

We've had a Cafe Rio open in Las Vegas for a while now but it's on the other side of town so we've only been to it once. Last week, the second LV Cafe Rio opened just five minutes from our house. We had to go on Friday night. We randomly ran in to a number of people in our ward. There were six couples or so that sat together and ate yummy Rio! We're very excited to have a Rio so close.

I've heard rumors that a Bajio's is also opening up about five minutes from us which makes me even more excited than a Cafe Rio. I love Cafe Rio but I also love my chicken salad & apple beer at Bajios! I love having yummy & convenient food so close! It makes going out to dinner with Nate an easy option.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Thanksgiving Part Two: YUMMY FOOD

Not only did we have a delicious Thanksgiving dinner, but me & my sister-in-laws were in a baking mood all week. We thought it would be fun to have some treats around for the week since we had quite a house full.

It all started on Monday night when we went up to Leigh and Spencer's for dinner. After dinner, Alyssa/Leigh/I made Leigh's famous chocolate chip cookies, rice krispie treats, and sausage balls ~ a yummy breakfast treat! Then on Tuesday, Alyssa and I made chocolate chip pumpkin bread. Six loaves to be exact. Wednesday morning Alyssa made an orange roll breakfast dish that was great. As if that wasn't enough, we made the chocolate peppermint icecream pie that I posted on my blog a few weeks ago! It was so delicious. It wasn't hard to make, just a little time consuming but well worth it. All of these treats were long gone by the time we left on Saturday!

I love all of the yummy food people make during the holidays!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thanksgiving Part One: FAMILY

One of the many things I am grateful for is family. My boys, Wes & Nate, are such a blessing in my life. I never thought I could love two people like I love them.

I'm also grateful for my family and Wes' family. We especially love spending holidays with them. This year, we spent Thanksgiving with the Griffeths and we'll spend Christmas with the Marz clan.

Our Thanksgiving was great this year. By Wednesday afternoon, everyone was together. We got to Georgia on Sunday so we had a few low-key days before the entire family was around. It meant I got to spend a few days with just my sister-in-law Alyssa and her daughter Olivia who is 3 weeks younger than Nate. They had a great time together. It was so cute...when I first walked in the door with Nate on Sunday, Grant was holding Olivia in the kitchen. As soon as they saw each other, they both just smiled and "talked" to each other. It was almost like they knew each other and were so excited to see each other again. It was really cute. It's been fun having a sister-in-law with a baby so close in age to Nate. We go through everything together! It was fun to take our kiddos on a walk & let them play together. Bayley and Kendal were also so cute with Nate. They love their new cousin & I know Nate enjoyed all of the attention.

In the last year or so, Wes' sister and brother each bought new homes which we hadnt seen yet. We got to see Alisha/Jeff's home in Alabama and Spencer/Leigh's home in Ellijay, Georgia. They both have such beautiful homes and it was fun to see where they live. They both live in pretty small towns that are so green and beautiful.

Wes got to play golf one day with his brothers and dad which he always enjoys. One tradition that we started this year was a Turkey Trot. All of us were signed up to either run/walk a 5K or a 10K. Unfortunately, it was pouring rain that day so most of us opted to stay home but Alisha, Jeff & Doreen still went. If we didn't have babies, I'm sure more of us would have gone but it was just too cold and wet to take them along. I do think it's a fun tradition to get up and get some exercise on Thanksgiving morning so hopefully next time the weather will cooperate. Another tradition that actually happened is the day after Thanksgiving shopping. I usually get up with Alisha and Doreen but I was so tired with Nate that I wasn't willing to set an alarm for 4:30 to go shopping! So, Alyssa and I left around 6:45 to do some shopping of our own. It was fun!

We play lots of games and watch lots of sports when we're together with The Griffeths. We had such a great time and we are always sad when we leave because we know it will be a while before we see everyone again. I wish Georgia were right next to Nevada!

Here are lots of pictures of the Griffeth family. We got actual family pictures taken but I don't have my disk yet so I'll post some of the those when I get it. These are just a few I took of our vacation!

Nate and Olivia in their matching pajamas

Nate playing on the grass

At Spencer and Leigh's home where they made us a yummy dinner!
Nate with his cousins, Bayley & Kendal