I've always loved to shop. I love running errands. However, I like to do it without a baby which doesn't happen very often.
Wes was sooo sooo sooo nice on Saturday. From 9am to 5:30pm he took Nate for me so I could go out Christmas shopping. My little sister, Sam, had the day off so I roped her in to going with me. She was just going to come in the morning but I convinced her to spend the day with me! We used to spend a lot of time together in Utah and when she wasn't at the GAP all of the time but it seems like we rarely see her anymore so I really enjoyed Saturday. I got lots of Christmas shopping & errands done and I have to say it was nice to be out and about without worrying about Nate. THANKS Wes! I may have to do that more often. :)
ALI: You know you are always welcome to come shopping with us but we already know you would have HATED Saturday! We were literally out for 8 hours and we loved every minute of it!
What?? A day of shopping w/o little Nate!! Lucky girl! Isn't it funny how before you could shop all day and only accomplish a few things...now in a few hours you can finish everything!!haha
I'm glad you had a fun day! You deserve it!!
I love that Wes took Nate for you all day. It's so frustrating to shop with Noah- I don't even attempt the grocery store unless I am in dire need of something (like the cereal I am craving today and just have to go get) but even then I have to take a purse full of snacks to keep him in line.
So, we got your Christmas card and it's too cute! Everything that you do is so incredibly cute and creative. Thanks so much! Just so you know, we didn't send out Christmas cards this year nor last year.. we never have so maybe next Christmas you'll see us in your mailbox :)
Those days of errands sans-babies. Sigh. We so used to take them for granted eh?
Again, love you both but would rather gnaw my arm off.
Shopping? What? I would have been right there with you. What a great husband you have taking little mr. for 8 whole hours.
I love that hat on Nate, so cute!
FUN FUN FUN, you sound like me! I love shopping. I strongly believe in Shop till ya Drop! LOL
What a cute lil' daddy Wes must be to spend the whole day taking care of your lil' Nate. :)
Did you go back to work or not?
Well either way, I hope you are loving life- you look really happy!
BTW- got your card- too cute! Thanks
Fun! I'm going to do a little shopping by myself tonight and can't wait!! Wes is such a great daddy! I can't even go shopping anymore because 5 minutes after we are in the car Lauren's screaming fits start =0) so I'd rather stay home and let her be a happy girl. Glad you had a fun day, Us moms deserve that once in awhile.
I always felt like I was missing my right arm when I snuck away from Macie. I toted that girl with me everywhere for a long, long time. I am overly paranoid and could not leave her.
I usually wait until Zeke has been picked up at 5 to go out and about except when I can rope Nicole into going with me then we have two babies but we have a lot of fun.
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