Tuesday, November 25, 2008

9 hours in San Diego

Wes parents live in Georgia so when they are on the west coast, we try to see them. They happened to be enjoying their Thanksgiving week at a timeshare in San Diego so we met them yesterday to go to the San Diego Zoo. Wes and I both had to work today so we flew down yesterday morning and flew back last night!

We all had a great time. It was fun to see Grandma & Grandpa G and the San Diego Zoo is awesome. It was my first trip to any zoo other than Hogle Zoo in SLC so I was very impressed. Nate especially had such a fun day. He only took two 20-minute snoozes but was happy the entire time. Such a trooper {when he's having fun!}. It's always fun to see so many animals...

Nate LOVED the children's petting zoo. He would have stayed in there all day with the goats.

Nate spent the majority of the day on Wes' shoulders. When we were looking at the reptiles, he stuck his tongue in and out like an iguana. Then we'd look at the monkeys and he'd make his "oohh oohh" monkey sounds. etc. It was fun that he knew a lot of the animals and the sounds they make.

Nate ended the day by clapping "yeah for the zoo!"

After the zoo we went to Old Town and ate delicious Mexican food. I think I had the best taco I've ever had. So yummy! Being in San Diego reminded me of how much I love that place.

Friday, November 21, 2008

a music man

Nate loves {music}.

He always has. But recently he has started asking for it.
If we're in the car, he points to the radio and signs more. But he doesn't want the songs on the radio. He wants {Christmas music}. It's a great excuse for me to start listening to it. Whenever a song ends and the next one hasn't started yet, he signs more over and over. One other thing that I love is that he waves his arm in the air, like he's leading the music, while he's listening to it. He learned this move on Sesame Street when Telly leads everyone in a Triangle song. He's lead music like Telly ever since. He even sometimes "waves" his legs, too.
If we're at home, he points to the DVD player which is how I play CD's downstairs. We listen to Christmas music throughout the day while we're playing. He asks for more and more all day long.
I'm glad he loves good tunes!
{this picture is totally unrelated}

See the vampire fangs in his hand? His Aunt Sam turned him in to a Twilight lover, too. That was after she taught him to spit in the pool. I guess that's what aunties are for, right? To teach your kids things you don't necessarily want them to know and to give them extra treats when mom isn't looking. I have a feeling he's gonna learn a lot of that stuff from his Aunt Sam over the years. Oh, and he can burp almost as loud as you, Sam. You'll have to keep working on that one.
It was Abbie's 3rd birthday on Saturday & she had a costume party to celebrate. Nate got to be an elephant again!
Happy 3rd Birthday, Abs! I can't believe you're this big already. Love you!

Monday, November 17, 2008

big cousin love

Last night we had dinner at my parent's house to celebrate Ali's birthday. It was fun to see the Thompson clan. It's been a while!

Nate loves all of his cousins but last night he took a special liking to his big cousin, Kyle (11 years old). They sat across from each other at the table and Nate waved to Kyle throughout all of dinner. Kyle was a good sport and waved back and laughed with Nate. Nate loved the attention from his big cousin.

Then, after dinner, Nate sat next to Kyle on the couch while Kyle played his game. At first Nate was content to just sit near Kyle and watch him play. But eventually Nate wanted a turn, too.

{i forgot my camera so a camera-phone photo is better than nothin}

Kyle was such a good sport with entertaining his little cousin. It will be fun when Nate's a little older and can talk to Kyle!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

craziness & a daily ritual

Some weeks are laid back. Some are crazy. This week was CRAZY.

It was crazy in good ways . . . I got to get up to go to the gym at 5:45 am. Nate and I played at the park with friends. I ate lunch at Bajio. Wes got to play golf on Tuesday with his co-workers so he got home early at 3:30pm. We got invited to eat yummy chicken tacos at a friend's house. I went to Town Square in jeans, my Uggs & a jacket by myself on Tuesday night for a few hours just to get away. It was heavenly. Both the shopping and the crisp air. I escaped yet again on Thursday night {you'll soon see why I have a constant need to escape} to do some GAP friends/family shopping, go to book club, and then scrapbook night. And Friday night, Wes & I got to spend the evening together laughing with our little boy.

It was also crazy in not-so-good ways . . . my mom & Dana {she works in the office with my dad} were both out of town. Which meant my once a week babysitter was gone and my dad needed me there 3 of the days to cover for Dana. Luckily a good friend and babysitter were available to take Nate but I felt like I was running around without a brain. {but what's new, right?}. And, Wes was gone for 2 days but I'm getting used to that.
Nate is getting MOLARS. A few of you warned me about this time period but to be honest, I didn't totally believe you. But all of your warnings were an understatement. The kid whines and borderline screams all day long unless he's absolutely entertained. The screaming is why I've been escaping the nights Wes is actually in town. One molar is about to cut through so I'm hoping he'll start to feel better soon. My lunch at Bajio made it on the good crazy list. But it also made it on the bad crazy list because Nate threw the biggest fit I've ever experienced in a restaurant!
Luckily I had a lot of good crazy to make up for the bad crazy.

I like to record things that become a habit with Nate. So here we go:
At some point, every day Nate and I end up doing this . . .
We go outside.

to get the mail . . .
and Nate plays by the mail box for at least 20 minutes. He uses the keys to try to open all of the boxes and plays in the rocks.
Then he likes to sit in his jogging stroller in the garage and "drive" it.
Either while I'm loading the car or working in the garage, Nate likes to "drive" my car. He plays in the car and LOVES it.
Aside from the molars, I love this stage!

Monday, November 10, 2008

5:45am. Me. The Gym.

I had to record such a momentous occasion ~ I went to the gym this morning at 5:45am. This is huge for me. Haven't been there since Nate was born. I actually love going to the gym once I'm there. It's the getting up and driving there that I don't like so much. So even though my thighs are on fire from a few too many lunges, I'm liking it. One motivation was the many posters of Ali Vincent (last year's biggest loser winner) all over the gym. She's TINY and looks fabulous!

There's no point in exercising if I'm not going to eat better, too. So back to Weight Watchers it is. Apparently they've missed seeing me.

For those of you who see me regularly, please remind me that I'm supposed to be eating healthy. I have a hard time saying no to yummy food & treats so I may need some support.
I'll see you again tomorrow morning, 24 Hour Fitness.

Friday, November 7, 2008

pbr x 2

We love the PBR. This was our 3rd annual year going to see the bull-riding. In fact, this year Wes got to go [twice].

PBR Clan #1: Wes, Sam, my mom & dad, Gerry & Marilyn Earl (family friends).

This night was scheduled for weeks. Babysitter was booked. And then Nate threw up the night before and wasn't totally back to normal on Saturday night. So I kept the babysitter so I could enjoy at least dinner and then came home while the rest of the clan went to the PBR.

We had dinner at Bahama Breeze. I forgot how much I enjoy that place. The tower of onion rings. The pasta. My side salad. YUM.

Wes tried to enjoy the pina colada.

The rest of the clan had a great time at the PBR.

PBR Clan #2: Lindsay, Wes, Kiley & Brandon
My dad felt bad that I didn't get to go to the PBR so he managed to get tickets for the following weekend, too! We invited our rodeo-loving friends Kiley & Brandon. It was nice to have a night out without Nate and Hadley.
The PBR really is the highlight of Wes' year. He is my cowboy-at-heart. He sports his cowboy boots and as of Saturday afternoon he is a proud owner of a belt buckle so he's already anxiously awaiting PBR 2009. Maybe we'll go to the NFR in December so he can wear it.

This guy is hilarious. Had to document him this year.
Nate just needs some cowboy boots and he's ready to go with his dad.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

The happy & healthy Nate

I took A LOT of pictures of Nate when we were in Utah last weekend so I thought I'd post more of my little man. It's a good reminder that he really is fun and happy when he's not barfing with snot running out his nose. {Tiny update: today was better than last night}.

So here you go. Endless photos of Naters at almost 15 months.

nate LOVES the park.

He's looking so OLD to me. When did he get so BIG?