Christmas Eve day was a little crazy at our house. I offered to help my mom with some of the food for dinner and brunch on Christmas since my Grandma is in town and I knew she wouldn’t have as much time on her hands and could use the extra help. So, my day was spent preparing food, wrapping presents & playing with Nate. Wes had to work but got home around 1pm to help with all of the preparations.
I always look forward to Christmas Eve. I love having everyone go over to my parents house for a yummy dinner. Wes brought a Griffeth Christmas Eve tradition in to our family where we read part of Luke 2 combined with Christmas songs to tell the Christmas Story. It’s a nice addition to our usual Christmas Eve because it reminds us of the real reason we celebrate Christmas.

Christmas Morning
We convinced Sam to come stay at our house on Christmas Eve. We finished wrapping presents & played Skipbo. We get up a little (quite a few hours) before she usually does so she had a nice surprise when we were up and moving pretty early but she was a trooper and participated in our family opening presents. This is the first year since Wes and I have been married that we actually bought each other gifts. We usually just buy a bigger item we’ve been needing/wanting and call it good but this year we actually bought each other stuff. I have to say it was really fun! Thanks for all the good stuff, Wes. Even though Nate had no idea what was going on, it was fun having him around. It made us excited for the years to come with him! Wes couldn't resist and bought Nate his first set of golf clubs. :)

Christmas Day
We always have brunch on Christmas Day. This year was especially tasty with eggs, bacon, pancakes, potatoes, Leigh’s sausage balls, cinnamon/pumpkin breads, etc. After brunch, we started opening presents. It’s always a fun time for me. I love giving gifts and seeing what everyone thought of for each other. Growing up, we always went to a movie on Christmas Day but with 3 little ones, that isn’t happening anymore with all of us!
We stayed at my parents all afternoon and in to the evening. We got a short nap & then we played games for a while, had dinner & just hung out. We had a good time with my family!

my grandma & nate
No more photos of Aunt Ali on the blog! Yuck!
Two guesses as to my two favorite pictures.
You're right... The ones featuring the polka dot socks.
Such cute pictures from such a cute family.
p.s. where is your hat?
What a great Christmas! Thank you for sharing the pictures! I just can't get enough! I can't believe how totally BLUE-EYED Nate is still!!! What a cute and wonderful family you have!
I love our picture of Nate in his HAT!
Such great pics I love them all even the one of you Ali. I love to see and hear what everyone does for Christmas. Sounds like you all had a wonderful time.
Sounds like a fun Christmas!!! I love seeing the reactions of the gifts that I spent some real thought into. I made little brag books for the grandmas, and a dvd with the hard work of my sister in law. She sifted though hours of home footage and I just did the editing. It was a memory video with music, photos and video clips or Ryan's brother who passed away in 2003. It was by far one of the best gifts this year! Good luck on the sleeping baby issues. I wish I had some advice, the only thing is that my father in law reminded me when my babies were giving me a hard time, "that this will pass and soon they will be grown up and you will wish for the simple worries about sleep deprivation!" Such wisdom coming from a man with 15 children all teenagers and above! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Congrats on all the sweet blessings in your life! Your little man is so cute. Your Christmas card was amazing as ever!
I love the pics! Sounds like you and your family have some great traditions! I love the matching hats!! Too cute.
Great pics! I love it and it looks like you had so much fun! It's so fun having kids during all this too huh?!!
I abolutely LOVE the one of your dad and Nate!!! SOOOOO cute :) And I love you my dear friend. I can't wait to hear more about your Christmas. Happy New Year to you and Wes and Nate :)
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