Not this year! Being out of town for a week at Thanksgiving is rough. I wouldn't trade that week with the Griffeths for anything but it makes it hard to stay on top of everything. Plus, when mom and baby are sick it really slows things down.
We got our tree up on Saturday night ~ thanks Ryan & Leslie for your help! And then I finished decorating the house today. It's a little tradition my mom and I have. She comes over & spends the afternoon with me when I need to re-decorate & today was the day.
As far as the Christmas card goes, we'll be lucky if they arrive before December 25th. I can't find a picture of just Nate or of the three of us! I tried again today to take some of Nate but he was way too concerned about eating the blanket he was sitting on. Smiling at mom was not a priority! :) Here are a few photos of our afternoon!
I really do love the month of December and I hope to find time to do some holiday baking & enjoy the Christmas spirit with my family.
Lindsay, you are so hard on yourself for not getting Christmas up sooner! You should come over to my house...um, I've got no tree, but I do have a wreath! Oh, and I have a snowman spoon rest, does that count? ha. Cute pics of Nate. He's holding his head up so good while doing tummy time. cute stage.
The tree looks beautiful. Good worker at getting it up already. The photos are so cute and I am sure that you can find one, as they all seem so cute!!! Keep them coming.
Love Nate's sweater. That picture of Nate and your mom is a keeper. You could send that one out.
And okay, the Christmas cards might have been sent out from our house, but NO TREE is up. So you are the winner on that one.
The pictures are so cute...I'm sure you will have everything done by Christmas! We are still trying to find a time when we can get our tree up! Maybe this weekend!
The first one makes an excellent Christams photo. I always like the ones that aren't staged and look like fun best...I think you should consider that one.
I bought new baby that outfit too...Sam didn't tell me you had it. I guess new baby, whether boy or girl, can get twinsee photos with Nate before the holidays.
Cute pictures! I love Nate's sweater, so adorable. He's growing up so quick... I don't think Cody has even seen him yet (besides from the back of the gym when you were blessing him). Your tree is amazing but everything you do turns out incredible!
Your tree looks similar to mine- I have that same white "peace" ornament- and my whole tree is stars! That makes me feel good that a great decorator like you would choose some of the same things I did!
Nate is adorable!!
So cute. Megan and I were talking about really cute babies and little Nate was on our list. He is so adorable.
Nate looks so much older and is still just as cute! I love your tree too.
Linds, you are WAY more on the ball than I was with my first baby! Your tree looks great and what a fun way to decorate your house....with your mom! Lucky girl!! Little Nate is so cute at every stage. He looks like such a happy guy.
Those pictures of Nate are adorable! And your mom looks so young in that last one. I was opposite of you and actually got my stuff out right before Thanksgiving so it could be all done while we had all our visitors. Are you shocked or what?
what a cute pic of grandma and nate. Having a new little one around can throw your whole routine of Christmas off as well as your trip to Georgia. Your tree is beautiful next year Nate will be into it and everything else but that is all part of the fun. Any of those pics would make a great insert. I love the way they bury their face into the blanket. He is so cute you just want to pick him up and kiss and kiss.
I'll take the credit from Ryan for the help with the tree....just kidding! We all know I did jack squat, just like Wes! Ha Ha.
WOW WOW WOW! I totally forgot how long ago you had Nate. I was thinking he was still tiny! He is holding his head up and all smiles and everything! I love the black/white pic of you three together- I think from Thanksgiving in Georgia. Plus the one of you guys in front of fall leaves. Those are both SOOOO good! I love it! It is so crazy to see you holding him, you look like such a normal mom. I never knew that side of you when I was out there. You barely had a belly when I left. I miss you guys over there. HOw is Leslie? thinking baby now that her BFF (lol) has one. Well anyway, thanks for the invite. I love to see and hear about your family!
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