So....here we go.....
His absolute favorite thing is FOOD! Must be genetic. He loves green beans, squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, bananas, pears, prunes, peaches & apples! He also stares at “big people food” with big eyes like he wants that, too. I’m excited to start feeding him more stuff!
He also looovves his milk. He can see a bottle of milk from a mile away and gets really happy and reaches his arms up for it. Then you put it in front of him, and he grabs the bottle and jams it in his mouth. It’s pretty funny.
He also looovves his milk. He can see a bottle of milk from a mile away and gets really happy and reaches his arms up for it. Then you put it in front of him, and he grabs the bottle and jams it in his mouth. It’s pretty funny.
Speaking of food and milk, he spits up A LOT still. I am looking forward to the day when he doesn’t puke so much! It doesn’t seem to bother him which is good, but he’s always covered in something. And now, when it’s milk, it’s dyed whatever color food he ate recently! I spend a lot of time spot cleaning clothes.

He also loves: his binky, bathtime…where he tries to drink the bathwater, going on walks, toys, “ring of joy”, sitting up, getting tickled (he’s pretty ticklish!), taking off his socks so he can eat both his sock and his foot, having his gums rubbed, and playing with his mom & dad.
We still swaddle him every time he goes to sleep. A few weeks ago, I tried not swaddling him and it didn’t go over well. I think it’s going to be a slow, gradual process but for now, he does much better wrapped up so I’ll keep doing it. However, swaddling him isn’t the easiest process anymore. Sometimes it takes me 10 minutes to get him wrapped for a nap because he thinks it’s a game. He laughs every time he gets his hands out immediately! He literally lays in his crib and laughs at us because he’s stronger than we are.
Nate has always loved being on his changing table. This month has turned in to a challenge, though! He is CRAZY on there! You lay him down and he immediately flips himself over and tries to grab everything in sight, including the blinds. I think he’s going to learn to crawl up there because he gets so excited and wants to grab all of the lotions, wipes, etc. It makes getting him dressed and changing his diaper a little interesting.
He started doing something pretty funny this month. When he’s in one of his many seats…I give him the a whisk and he flings it around like a crazy man! He loves hitting things with it ~ especially his dad if he’s nearby! Who needs toys when you have kitchen utensils!
Here are his new stats:
Height: 28" long
Weight: 17 pounds, 11 ounces
Head: HUGE
He is so cute! Such a fun age.
Oh, by the way, I think I swaddled Avery till around 8 months! She just really liked it and it worked well for us.
He might have a mega-noggin but at least that means he has a big brain. He could have a mega-tummy like Abbie but that just means he would have a huge tummy.
He is so cute! It's so fun to see the pictures and hear all the new things he is learning and doing. I can't believe he is now 6 months old. It's so crazy how fast time flies. Does he look like either one of your baby pics because I can't decide who he looks like other than his cute adorable little self.
I love the updates! He is just so CUTE! Thanks for keeping these grandparents up-to-date! We look so forward to new pictures and stories!
He is such a handsome guy-- I love all the baby details.
He has got the cutest little boy wardrobe ever! He always looks like a little baby model. so cute.
Super cute.....
17 pounds! Dang, I guess I shouldn't complain about carrying Millie around in her car seat since she's a measley 7 something pounds. And he looks like such a big boy standing up in that chair. So cute!
You make me smile sooooo much. I love the narrative and the pictures so much. You are a genius too and putting little things from the month and everything - it'll make the entire scrapbooking adventure so much easier. I am muy impressed and will definitely be copying you! And he and Claire have something else in common - she LOVES her changing table too, although I think it's because she gets to look in the mirror and be naked, even if only for a minute or two (I'm worried when she can start taking off her clothes - she will be THAT baby!) :)
And I haven't said it in a few comments but Nate is SO handsome!!!
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