We had a great time with her. We visited, went out to eat at: Cafe Rio, Panera, Ethels, Golden Spoon, went shopping at Town Square & Galleria Mall, went to a few movies: Bucket List & 27 Dresses, played games & watched sports. She always makes us laugh! She came out to visit the weekend Nate was blessed, too so we've had two visits from Leigh in less than 6 months. Wes loves it when Leigh is here because they make a great breakfast together (I'm not a big breakfast eater) & she knows more about sports than any other girl I know.
Nate really enjoyed having Leigh around, too. He loves his aunties!
Thanks Leigh, for coming! We'll be out there this summer to meet your little man.

{We took her to Ethel's Chocolate Lounge for some fondue}

{We both love to shop}

{Leigh feeding Nate his turkey}

{Nate kept his hand on Leigh's belly for a long time. I think he was saying hi to his cousin.}
I love that picture of Nate with his hand on Leigh's tummy - too cute!
I love that Leigh keeps coming out to visit even when Spencer stays home. She is a pretty cool gal.
Someday I am going to leave the kids with Jeff and come and have a get away weekend with you all! You all are great hosts and there is always tons to do in Vegas! Glad you all had a good time.
I am so glad that you had so much fun!!! Thanks for sharing the pictures, too!
A. You look so great in that green sweater and jeans.
B. PLEASE please please come with Wes on his next trip out here. I can't WAIT to show you the new house, whether we're in it yet or not.
Nate is so cute Lindsay! I am glad you found my blog so we can stay in touch.
Lindsay, hey there. I have your little purse. So we can get together for lunch, or dinner, or dessert. Or, I can just simply bring it by. Which one? ;)
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