{ These pictures have nothing to do with this post. We took them a week or two ago and I've been meaning to post them. Since this post is all about Nate, I figured now is a good time.}

We can tell Nate is feeling better because he has been MR. HAPPY this weekend. You know those times when your baby is just extra happy? That has been Nate. This weekend was so fun with him.
On Friday, he started shaking his like he's saying no. It is so funny. He'll even do it back to you when you shake your head at him. He also was talking and laughing like crazy. He sounds like he's saying "mama" but I'm pretty sure it's just babbling. He also sticks his tongue in and out while he's making noise. He cracks himself up.
He's also a little bashful these days. If I'm holding him and Wes smiles and laughs at him, he buries his head in my chest & vise versa. Then he looks up and wants you to smile and laugh at him again. It's fun to see him develop in to his own little being.
Since he got sick last week, we've been having him shower with Wes in the morning and at night. The bathroom is super steamy & it has really helped drain his head of all the congestion. He LOVES the shower ~ he insists on facing the water so he can try to drink it. The water splashes off of Wes' shoulder on to Nate so he tries to lick the water that's splashing him. He loves it & it's so cute to watch. It was interesting trying to get a picture because my lens steamed up within seconds of being in the bathroom!

It's amazing how many phases kids go through. I love the happy phases. It helps you get through the not-so-happy phases & I've learned to truly appreciate and enjoy whatever phase he is in. I feel like his personality has really started to develop & it's so fun to watch. Wes and I found ourselves laughing with him all weekend & it was really fun & exciting.
Pictures of your little Nate make me want a boy-- you just dress him so dang cute.
So glad he's back to happy.
Amen to enjoying whatever phase they are in. Good reminder.
I love the picture of Nate in the shower. I sure do miss him :(
Cute Pictures! Love the ones in the shower, we have been doing the same thing with Saige and Garrett since we are all sick.
How cute he is!!!! I love EVERY picture! I know his daddy LOVES having him in the shower! Nate might start to prefer that!
Thanks for sharing!
Cute pics of Nate I wish we could go outside. A loves the shower too. He looks like such a happy baby.
How FUN that Nate likes the shower! Lauren still doesn't like bathtime..oh well. Taylor on the other hand LOVES to take showers and baths!
I really liked those pictures of him in the chair they look great!
They grow up way to fast to not enjoy every stage! Those pictures of you and Nate in the last post are gorgeous Lindsay!
He is so cute I know that I say that on just about every comment but he is and it's so fun to read about how cute and fun he is. Zeke does the shaking your head No thing and it's a riot. I don't think he is just babbeling. Zeke says Nananan and mamama and dadada and I do think he is getting to know the difference. Aren't they just amazing. I raised 5 of my own but everytime I watch these little ones I'm amazed all over again.
It is funny Nate tries to eat the water- my kids scream at the thought of getting their faces wet.
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