I have to say that I was beginning to think I was destined to be up at least once a night for many years. Nate is wonderful in a lot of ways but we've really struggled with his sleeping. He's just like his mama....at least that's what my mom tells me. Up until a few weeks ago, he was still up 2-3 times a night. I tried different things with him and finally got him to only be awake once a night. Now....hopefully we're down to zero!
And the best part is, he did it again last night. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this is a
permanent situation!

Nate: 2 months old
Yeah! Mom and dad are BOTH happy! Let's hope he keeps it up!
He is SO cute!
Congrats on the great night of sleep! It's amazing how much better of a Mom you can be with a good nights sleep. I am soooo much happier when Tessa is a good sleeper. It totally makes a difference in everything. So what are you guys doing for Valentine's Day?
LOVE this post. Way to go NATE!
HALLELUJAH! Maybe he can send Ashton some tips.
Isn't that the best thing ever? You probably never thought you would appreciate an uninterrupted night of sleep so much? Hopefully he will continue!
My fingers are crossed with you!!! That's the best feeling in the world when you wake up and it's already light... and your baby IS still alive and well. Congrats!
And you slept too!?!?! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am SO happy for you!
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