My friend Leah had this on her blog and it was fun to read so I thought I’d do it, too! I also included lots of pictures since this is a form of scrapbooking for me! I’d love to see it on all of your blogs, too.
10 years ago: I was a Junior in high school at Green Valley. My entire life revolved around volleyball. I played at Green Valley and then played club volleyball, too. This was my favorite year of club volleyball. I got to play with the most amazing group of girls who were all seniors and were SO good at volleyball. Six of them played D1 college volleyball and were all-stars. I learned a lot that year and loved every minute of it! We traveled twice a month to California to play in tournaments…the road trips were the best!

5 things on my to-do list tomorrow:
1. Get two ads approved by our client that are due to the paper tomorrow morning.
2. Prepare for a weekly client meeting tomorrow afternoon.
3. Get dinner ready ~ yummy Café Rio style pork salads!
4. Go on a walk & play with Nate.
5. Possibly start watching Season 1 of Heroes with Wes.
5 Foods I enjoy:
1. Icecream. Icecream. Icecream. I love it.
2. I love a good salad.
3. I looovee Mexican food. Especially spicy mexican food.
4. I really enjoy eating out once or twice a week. My favorites are: Pei Wei, Pasta Shop, CPK, Panera, Macayo’s, Metro Pizza, Cheesecake Factory, Lucilles BBQ, Chipotle, Café Rio, Bajios & many more!
5. I really love drinks. Slushes, juices, slurpees, smoothies, limeades, lemonade, fountain drink of Diet Coke, etc.
What I would do if I were suddenly made a billionaire:
I’d buy a much bigger house & obviously not have a house payment. Then, I think I’d pay all of my friends and family’s homes off, too. My dad’s old boss paid off all of his siblings and kids homes & I’ve always admired him for it. I’d also re-decorate mine whenever I felt like it! Then, I’d tell Wes to pursue his dream career as a professional golfer and I’d probably start a stationery company. And of course, travel the world & work with various charities.
5 places I have lived:
1. Born in Reno, Nevada.

10 years ago: I was a Junior in high school at Green Valley. My entire life revolved around volleyball. I played at Green Valley and then played club volleyball, too. This was my favorite year of club volleyball. I got to play with the most amazing group of girls who were all seniors and were SO good at volleyball. Six of them played D1 college volleyball and were all-stars. I learned a lot that year and loved every minute of it! We traveled twice a month to California to play in tournaments…the road trips were the best!

5 things on my to-do list tomorrow:
1. Get two ads approved by our client that are due to the paper tomorrow morning.
2. Prepare for a weekly client meeting tomorrow afternoon.
3. Get dinner ready ~ yummy Café Rio style pork salads!
4. Go on a walk & play with Nate.
5. Possibly start watching Season 1 of Heroes with Wes.
5 Foods I enjoy:
1. Icecream. Icecream. Icecream. I love it.
2. I love a good salad.
3. I looovee Mexican food. Especially spicy mexican food.
4. I really enjoy eating out once or twice a week. My favorites are: Pei Wei, Pasta Shop, CPK, Panera, Macayo’s, Metro Pizza, Cheesecake Factory, Lucilles BBQ, Chipotle, Café Rio, Bajios & many more!
5. I really love drinks. Slushes, juices, slurpees, smoothies, limeades, lemonade, fountain drink of Diet Coke, etc.
What I would do if I were suddenly made a billionaire:
I’d buy a much bigger house & obviously not have a house payment. Then, I think I’d pay all of my friends and family’s homes off, too. My dad’s old boss paid off all of his siblings and kids homes & I’ve always admired him for it. I’d also re-decorate mine whenever I felt like it! Then, I’d tell Wes to pursue his dream career as a professional golfer and I’d probably start a stationery company. And of course, travel the world & work with various charities.
5 places I have lived:
1. Born in Reno, Nevada.

4. London, England. (study abroad)
5 jobs that I have had:
1. DRGM Advertising ~ worked there a lot from ages 10-20.
2. Monte Carlo Hotel as a lifeguard. I did this with Anya & Trisha!

3. Mandalay Bay Hotel & Casino as a cabana host. The best summer job anyone could ask for….especially when you get to do it with your sister.
4. My two college jobs were: 1). Server at Los Hermanos Mexican Restaurant. Still can’t believe I did that. You have to start as a busser….and a host…..before you can be a server! My dear friend Laurel worked there with me. There were many a nights when we had to clean the entire kitchen together! 2). 2nd grade tutor. Laurel did this with me, too! It was fun working with her that year. Second graders are ADORABLE. The photo below is us with our favorite little boy, Weston.

5. R&R Partners, an advertising agency & Marz & Company, my current employer!
Favorite T.V. Shows:
1. Grey’s Anatomy
2. 90210 in highschool
3. Friends
4. Veronica Mars
5. Biggest Loser
I don't watch that much TV...just a few shows!
Most beautiful place I've ever been: This place in the middle of England called Stourhead Gardens. It’s AMAZING. Miles and miles of a walking trail surrounded by gorgeous greenery & ponds. The English countryside is beautiful.

Although, I love a beautiful beach too. The Na Pali Coast on Kauai is pretty spectacular.

Things people don't know about me:
1. I absolutely hate seafood. I can’t eat it and the smell makes me gag. I hold my breathe and run through the fish section of the grocery store. Yuck!

2. I lose my keys daily. I always put them somewhere strange!
3. I love water. Not necessarily to drink…but I love the ocean, waterfalls, rivers, streams, lakes, etc. I especially love water slides. I begged my parents for years to put a water slide in our backyard but they never gave in (luckily, our neighbors had a great water slide). I always love the hotel pools in Hawaii because they are bound to have at least one!

4. I’m picky about textures. Food textures bother me and so do clothes. I rarely wear long sleeve shirts or sweaters because of the material! Even in freezing cold Utah I would wear short sleeve shirts. Strange, I know.
5. I love bedding and dishes. I could buy new dishes & new bedspreads, sheets, etc. all of the time! I always see something new that I want. It’s a good thing we don’t have anywhere to store it.
6. Hotels gross me out. The thought of how many people have been in those rooms is just too much for me. Don’t get me wrong, I stay in them, but I’m kind of a hotel snob. If I think about it too much, even really nice hotels can make me squirm! Although, I usually get over it in a nice one. :)
I love the baby photo but you could definitely have left the one from Green Valley out. Didn't I already mention no more photos of Aunt Ali?!
Ahh I remember the Los Hermanos Mexican Restaurant. My roommate Kim Sorenson worked there, does her name sound familiar?
I'm a hotel snob too..I've actually blogged about it but then Chris told me I had to delete it. HAHA..but secretly he is a little snob himself. =0) I usually keep my socks on when I'm in the room, and also take off the comforter before sitting on the bed or putting the kids on it.
Oh and I'm SO jealous you've been to England! SO Lucky! There are a few trans-atlantic cruises I'd like to take to see europe!
And lastly I wish I would have played volleyball in H.S. I love the sport and enjoyed playing it during the summer! I would have had to choose between sports and singing...oh well..I hope our stake puts something together instead of basketball.
okay that was a novel sorry! =0)
So fun! I loved all the photos! What a great way to journal! Thanks for sharing so much!
this was so cute to read. I love the adorable pic of you and your girlfriends with umbrellas on your study abroad trip. And the old ones of you and wes. He looks so young! YOu two are cute!
I had to laugh at the seafood part. I totally am the same way. I have to turn my head walking past in the store, the sight and smell just gag me! LOL
And BTW- Macayos is one of my favorite resturants too! I love it!
Yeah! I am so glad you did this. The pics were a great touch. I think you need to come visit us Linds.
Loved this!
Brad and I were just talking about how you and Laurel would come home from work smelling of fajitas!
great stuff!
I love all those places to eat too- but. . .my favorite food is seafood!! We should meet up at one of those places one of these nights becuase I too love to eat out (it is way more fun than cooking and then cleaning yourself!)
hey! cute pictures! and hey...Los Hermanos was the best job! So fun! Be Proud! ha ha
What a great post I love learning new things about everyone. I loved the picture of England I love their gardens they are so beautiful. The blog is kind of like a scrapbook and journal all in one except people are reading it while you are alive not dead. Ha Ha. Did you know that you can have it printed out with a company called blurb?
Seriously I forgot about how beautiful those gardens in England were. That was one of my favorite places that we visited during the summer. Fun memories... thanks for sharing!
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