When he was born, we all thought he looked just like Wes. Now, we're not so sure. From the nose up, I think he looks like me and from the nose down, he looks like Wes. What do you think?

A few pictures of Nate....

Wes in the hospital

Me and my dad....
I don't have any pictures of Wes when he was a few months old. Doreen: Do you have any? I'd love to see some. It's always interesting to me to see what kids look like and what traits they get from each parent!
Nate is so beautiful! I know boys are not "beautiful" but he really is. So perfect and shaped so nicely. I am shocked at how alert he is. All photos of my babies were never so wide eyed! The photos are beautiful, especially with Wes' hands. So precious. Keep them coming, he is so cute!
I would definitely have to say that he favors you Lindsay! He is so darn cute! It will be fun to watch him fill out and really see who is going to look like! I'm sure he will be a perfect combination of the two of you.
He's rather handsome...I think he looks like Tripp and Kyle.
He totally looks like you!!! Especially the nose...I love it!
Lindsay all the way. Sorry Wes- try for another one. Isaac looks much more like Sam than Noah does I think, so maybe #2 will be your twinner.
I totally think little Nate looks like you. I can see Wes in him, but he definitely has more of your features. What a cutie!
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