Friday, August 10, 2007

Our new life with Nate

I don’t even know where to begin about our new life with our little man. I have to say that I totally agree with Katie’s comment on our blog about this time being filled with every possibly emotion….excitement, adoration, exhaustion, frustration, love, appreciation and more.
Our first night at home was rough but it’s gotten a little better every day and every night. We finally got enough sleep last night to be a “tolerable exhausted” instead of miserably exhausted. The interesting thing about becoming a parent is that all of a sudden everything you do is for your child and everything you go through is totally worth it when you see this little person that is yours. We find ourselves forgetting to do basic things for ourselves because we’re so focused on our little man.

Here are a few things about Nate that we’ve learned in the last few days:

He hates being alone. We’re not sure how, but regardless of how deep of a sleep he is in, he knows when we’re not there. We did make some progress last night when he slept in his crib for a little over an hour without waking up. We’re working on getting him to like his bed.

He is a content, happy baby. He really doesn’t cry much unless he’s getting his diaper changed, when we change his clothes or when we leave him alone. He just hangs out and is extremely happy when he’s in either one of our arms. Luckily, he likes us both.

He is either dead asleep or wide awake. There really isn’t an in-between. If he’s asleep, it is nearly impossible to get him to wake up and when he’s awake, we’ve learned just to enjoy his company instead of trying to get him to sleep.

He found his hands & he loves them. He loves to play with his own ears and touch his face. The best was yesterday when he found my hand with his and grabbed on to it. Anytime he has access to either Wes or my hands he loves to hold them. He has really long fingers ~ Wes already has bets on when he will be able to palm a basketball.

We were warned that when boys get freedom….they like to pee. Boy is this statement true. We always seem to catch him when he’s pooping so we go change his diaper only to realize that he wasn’t even close to being done so we get to experience the blowout firsthand. Then, before we know it he has peed everywhere. It’s pretty funny. The one time we had him in a Huggies diaper it got all over everything. We’ll stick to Pampers where his blowouts have yet to escape the diaper.

We went to the pediatrician today and she says he’s doing well. He gained 2 ounces so he’s now at 7 lbs 7 ounces. He lost 7 ounces at the hospital so we’re working on getting him back to his birth weight. So far, so good.

He can roll over. I put him in his crib this afternoon for a little nap and seeing as how he hates his crib, Wes thought something was up when he was in there for longer than 30 minutes. He went to check on him and he had rolled completely over, was up against the side of the crib on his stomach. He looked like a little frog. This one scared us! Now I really won’t be able to sleep at night b/c I’ll be wondering if he rolled over again. He also has great control of his neck already! He literally holds his head up and just looks around at everything. He doesn't want to miss out on anything.

This was probably more information than you wanted to know but we’ve got Grandma and Grandpa G and the rest of the Griffeth family out on the east coast & this is the easiest way for them to get to know about their grandson & nephew!

We are doing well & can't say enough of how grateful we are for such great friends and family. We are enjoying our time at home ~ I'm dreading Wes going back to work next week. He is such a great dad and husband & I've LOVED being able to spend a week with my two boys.


blogmom said...

Congratulations! He is so adorable. He looks like he doesn't have any "war wounds". He is just really a beautiful boy! Isn't it crazy how you think you are prepared to be a parent and then the emotion of it all just takes you by surprize. So unexpected how much you just love this new little guy. And grandparents are just as crazy over him. We can hardly keep our hands off of them. It is a wonder they don't have their cheeks kissed off. Anyway, he is darling..enjoy! enjoy! Love, Donna Johnson

Kelsey said...

Wow- thanks for the update. I hae been waiting! He is so flawless and looks like a little BOY already! Pampers are the best =)- most people are Huggies people. Make sure you are getting rest while Wes is home and letting him take Nate will you nap! Congrats again! You look like a wonderful, happy family of 3!!!!!!!!!!

Alisha said...

We love pictures!! He looks so good. We wish we could watch him grow in person, but we will definitely enjoy and cherish the pictures! I know Wes is going to have a hard time leaving for work on Monday...I know he has enjoyed being at home!

mrs. timberlake said...

I had to comment on "forgetting to do basic things for ourselves" - I can't tell you how many times I am getting dinner ready thinking, Have I even brushed my teeth today? I agree with Kelsey - He does look like a little boy, no newborn wierdness and PAMPERS are the way to go!

Alyssa Griffeth said...

Oh my gosh, Lindsay! He is truly a beautiful little baby! There's no better word for it! We can't stop looking at those first two pictures of him! And thanks for the detailed report...We really appreciate it since we can't be there in person!!! Also, I was thrilled to hear that Pampers are the best...Especially since I have about 12 big packages of them sitting in our baby's closet! Hope the sleeping continues to improve. As you suggested, I will try to cherish my last few nights of decent rest while I can. :-)

The Skeehan Family said...

Lindz and Wes - he is absolutely beautiful. Amy called me this morning and told me I had to look at the pictures because Nate already looks like a little "boy!" I can't believe it -he is just as handsome as he can be... but knowing the genes he's coming from, that is to be expected. And..... I appreciate the details immensely because it gives me a little glipse.... just a little one... but a glimpse nonetheless :)

Katie said...

He's just beautiful. I totally understand all those emotions and being so tired, you feel like you're going on adrennalin! I agree that Pampers are the only way to to go as infants, but I swear they're all the same when they get to be about 18 pounds. I hope you're napping whenever he does, just do it and don't feel bad about it. I always think...when will I ever only have one child...take advantage. I can't wait to see him. He really is so perfect.

Anya said...

I LOVE NEWBORNS!!! I love the details! I swear Lindsay, I NEVER would have survived without the bassinet in my room at night- I wish you luck with the crib thing but I don't have high hopes! Noah has a hard time with his room still (at 3), but Isaac really took to his crib about 3-6 months into the whole thing. He was able to nurse at night and when the nights became longer for him btwn feedings, he didn't wake up too much and it just became much easier to put him in the crib at THAT point. So I think it has more to do with the personality of the boy than the parents WILLPOWER! BUT- to each her own.....By the way, I have the bassinet if you decide to try it.

The Boz said...

oh my gosh...he is soooo cute! Seriously! And I can't believe that he is already practicallyholding his own head up! Babies are so precious! He is seriously so cute though, not like your typical new born. (if you know what i mean..haha!) Anyway, I wanna come visit- so you just tell me when, and I'll be there!

Lillie said...

Ok so I just got all caught up on Nate and are you kidding me??!! Did you birth a three month old??? Sophia couldn't roll over for months! ANd all of his pictures look so alert and SO cute! He doesn't even look like a newborn to me! I keep checking your past posts to see how behind I got. I mean he is just a week old or so right? His eyes are so wide and smart already, I can't get over it. And is it just me or does he look exactly like Wes? Oh I am too excited for you. He is absolutely beautiful and you guys just look like naturals. I can't wait to see him in person!

Bella Beginnings said...

Thanks for the update Lindsay. It is as though I know the little guy! He is so beautiful! Addilyn rolled over at 2 weeks but it was just an accident as it didn't happen again for a while, but I never did put her on the couch, etc like I did Haylee. Also, Pampers are by far the best newborn diaper, but I was very unlucky as Addilyn was alergic to something in them and I eventually used Huggies, and all that comes with them... so count yourself fortunate! Keep up the details, they are so fun to read about! About the bed, I never bought a bassinet, but I got a moses basket and used that to set the baby in on my bed, they were close to us, without the threat of being rolled on. You can get them at TJ max, target, etc. Best wishes. It does get easier in terms of schedules! Congratulations again.