Today is the day I dreaded all last week ~ the day Wes went back to work. Little Nate is now all up to me during the day. Some of you might think this wouldn't be a very big transition but when you see how much Wes does for me and this little guy, you'd understand that today is definitely a day of transition for me. My mom came over this afternoon and she was a great help with cleaning up the house and just holding Nate. I think that's the most exhausting part of the day for me....trying to figure out how to satisfy him. As of yesterday, he's been a little harder to please than he was the first 5 days of his life so it's nice to have someone here to just hold him and keep him content when he's awake. She also took me to Target since I can't drive for at least another week.
Overall, things are still going pretty well. Although, I've discovered something about this whole "becoming a mom" process. Everyone warns you about labor & we all know that it can potentially be a very long, difficult & painful process. Some have it easy but there's a good chance that labor will be rough. However, how often do you hear about after labor? Of course, you hear that you will be absolutely exhausted but what about the rest of it? The fact that the mom is recovering from a major procedure herself, that breastfeeding HURTS at first...especially when your milk comes in, that your uterus contracts every time your child breastfeeds so you feel like you're back in early stages of labor, that your hormone levels are even more out of whack than when you were pregnant so emotional breakdowns are very likely and sometimes uncontrollable, and the list goes on. It's been whirlwind of a week for me ~ I love having our little man here but it has definitely been a week I will never forget. I have a feeling we have a few more of these weeks.
Luckily, I get to look at this perfect little being pretty much all day and it's a constant reminder of how blessed we are to have him. He truly is wonderful.
As far as sleeping in his crib, we've had two successful nights in a row! While we still don't get very much sleep, at least the sleep we do get is in our own bed without him. As long as he is swaddled and has his noise machine on, he sleeps great in there. I even got a 3 hour stretch this morning so we're hoping and praying that he continues to like his own bed. This way dad can get some solid sleep instead of holding him all night long.
I appreciate all of the "how are you doing" phone calls, emails & posts. Sorry if I don't get back to you right away. For doing "nothing" all day, the day sure flies by. I welcome ALL advice so please never feel like I won't want to hear any tips you can offer about being a mom. I had a good first day at home....thanks to my mom! She was a great help driving me to Target and holding Nate all afternoon while I got a few things done and relaxed. She's coming back tomorrow morning. It's SO nice living near family at a time like this.
Here are some more pictures of the little man.
So far, I like the car.
Nate holding mom's finger and putting it in his mouth to suck on.

I like my own bed!
No one tells you about this time... because maybe it would prevent a lot of women from having babies! I personally feel like those first couple of days are worse then the labor part. So far that part has been relatively short and sweet, but not getting sleep for 5 days in row really can wear on you. Be patient it will get better, nursing will become easy and it won't hurt (if it continues, see a specialist), the baby will start sleeping without having to be held and you will decide that having a clean house is not as important as getting those extra ZZZs! Some great advice someone told me... sleep when the baby does. Most of all, just enjoy the baby as much as you can because this phase is so short! He is beautiful. Congratulations again. I am so happy for you.
You are already WEEKS ahead of where I was if you already have one Target visit under your belt! I think the best I did at one week was have my Dad rescue me for fifteen minutes by driving me to the CVS parking lot so I could get fresh air and cry alone for five minutes. If you actually went IN a store, you are golden.
He's so cute!!
I know EXACTLY how you feel and what you are going through. Call if you ever want to chat. Honestly, it was hard for me to even read this post because the memories are still so fresh even 3 years later! Recovery combined with the early newborn days is so rough. I'm sort of in freak-out mode thinking about doing it again :)
Just try to sleep when your mom is there to help. Nursing will eventually get easier so try to be patient and stick it out. And like your friend posted above - you are doing great if you've already walked around Target!
He still looks great! Thanks for the pictures! We love seeing Nate!
Too cute! Hang in there! I'll be calling you for coping tips before I know it, and you'll already be a pro! My sister just told me yesterday, "Hey, if Brittney Spears can do it, so can we!!!" Granted, I'm sure you're a much better mother than Brittney Spears is. :) Keep it up!
Hey, did you not cirmusize Nate? I cant tell by that picture. You are dead on in the emotions and feelings- its so normal so dont feel bad about it. I dont think you ever get "used" to being a mom, you just learn your childs personality more. You are great and he couldnt be more perfect!
Oh linds...I know. I was so grateful to have my sisters to talk to b/c it's so funny how no one tells you that you bleed for 6 weeks, can hardly go to the bathroom, sit cross legged, have a contracting uterus, cry frequently, and still wear maternity clothes for months! It's amazing how when you look back it seems like such a short time, but in the moment you feel like it's never going to end. I think it's best to take it week by week. I always thought it was easier to say..."last week this was happening and I'm doing so much better this week." Versus day by day. It's such a blessing though and so nice to have your mom there. So jealous about that one. And I have to agree...going to Target is a great step. It was our anniversary 1 week after Tay was born and my mom stayed with her for an hour so we could go to lunch and I was an absolute NERVOUS WRECK. Needless to say, it took a while to get used to outings for me. I feel like that was a really depressing post, but seriously, it gets so great. And when they sleep, smile, laugh - there is nothing better and you realize why you love every piece of them!
well..i have no idea how to relate to what you're talking about (being one of the few single ones left in your social circle!) but it sounds pretty rough! Hang in there though, and I've "heard" that it will get better. I'm sure you're being a great Mom and can only imagine Wes, Mr. Super Dad! That's so great! Can't wait to come visit...I will gladly help in the holding the baby department!
You are fabulous- and you will be a pro, I can already see it (you were doing a chart for cryin out loud!) Anyway- I feel so opinionated about babies, so don't take anything I say too seriously, but the boob thing WILL get better and when it does, the bonding is such a great reward.
I totally understand where you are coming from. I hope things have gotten better since you've posted this. I've had 2 totally different experiences with my girls so if you have any questions ask away.
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