At least one of my college roommates (Laurel, Laurel & Trisha) used to make fun of me because I always had my right arm in the air. I can't remember which one specifically, but I think it was Trisha. I could be asleep or reading/watching TV on the couch and for some reason I found it comfortable to have my arm straight up in the air. Nate is the same way. He loves both arms straight up in the air so I thought I'd post this picture for them.
He's getting circumcised tomorrow so wish me luck.
I wonder if that runs in the family because I often read and watch TV with an arm sticking up in the air as well.
We can't get enough pictures of Nate! He is so cute! Thanks for sharing!
OH yuck. That's the one thing that terrifies me about having a boy eventually. That whole getting circumsized thing. Good luck!
I was so happy to click on your name and see a new one today. I have a feeling you're going to have some pretty regular checkers with pictures of this beautiful baby boy awaiting us!
Loving the pictures. He looks so comfy. It is very fun to see little traits being mirrored by your little one. I too love clicking and seeing new posts. Keep them coming!
It's official...he's definitely his mama's baby.
Too funny!
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