I love any kind of slush ~ slurpees, Sonic slushes & limeades, Icees, or even a slush from the gas station. Every summer I use my snowcone/slush maker but for some reason I kinda forgot about it this summer until last week. We found it buried in a cupboard and I swear I've made at least 3 a day since I found it.
We don't use traditional snowcone syrup....we either use lemonade or juice. Wes found a great guava pineapple juice that is so tasty. I even just have water as a slush.
I highly recommend getting one of your own if you enjoy a good summer slush. It is as simple as putting ice in the machine & within 30 seconds you have a homemade slush. Yum.
yum... now I'm totally craving one. And less than one week?? It's so wierd to think you could have had your baby by now even... any time now... and chances are we won't get to hear about it until a little bit after. Maybe you should make someone post it on your blog right away so we're all up to speed. WITH a picture of course. Is that too much to ask when you're recovering from delivery and trying to bond with your new baby?
My sister, Ali, volunteered to post when I'm in labor so you can all be up to speed! :)
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