Friday, August 3, 2007


Yep, I have one week left until my due date.

Physically, I am so ready to have this baby. But on the other hand, I’ve really enjoyed having this week for me. Being able to be at home without much responsibility has been heavenly. I love how much I can get done at home when I’m here during the day! So, as ready as I am to deliver this child, part of me hopes I have another week at home before he comes. Only time will tell!

I’ve had many people ask if “anything is going on” and I have to say that the answer is no. I go to the doctor every Monday & at this past appointment I was dilated to a 1. Until a few days ago, I hadn’t felt anything different but on Wednesday afternoon I started getting these pains that would last for about 15 minutes or so and then they’d go away for a short while and then they’d be back. It was a lot worse on Wednesday than yesterday or today. This is definitely one of those things that regardless of how many labor stories you hear, you’ll never know what your story will be until it happens to you. So, we just wait and see!

We will definitely keep you posted. For now, we wait.


Kelsey said...

I cannot wait to see what little man looks like! Try to get some rest and watch a good chick flick and pig out- its your last week of free calories =)

Alisha said...

Hang in there! He will be here before you know it! I know how hard it is to have this little present that you carry around with you for the last 9 months and the end is sooo close! We are so excited for you and Wes!

Bella Beginnings said...

You're so close! Good luck and be ready any time, cause babies come when they are ready to... even if it is not the most convienent! I heard of a girl who when she was grocery shopping, would collect a glass jar of pickles, just in case her water broke in the store... I am sure it is just a rumor story, but very funny. You will do great! I am so excited for you.

Katie said...

Ohhh...I love the anticipation. FYI...I tried basically everything towards the end, thought nothing was happening, went to my weekly appt. and was dialated to a 5!! I had her about 6 hours later on her due date. Whirlwind is all I can say. So you never could be tonight! ha!

Janae said...

Lindsay! Of course I remember you. I'm so glad you found me. Congrats on your upcoming baby boy! You will love it all. Newborns are so sweet and are only that small for such a short time. And, you look adorable pregnant. Good luck this week!

Anya said...

It was great to see the BU with you guys...we are so excited for your fam!