Yep, we finally decided on Nathan "Nate" for our little man. The M. is a tradition in the Griffeth family that has been going on for generations. It stands for my maiden name....Marz. Wes' middle name is R., standing for his mom's maiden name of Rogers. So, we not only kept the tradition alive but Nate is the first boy Griffeth to be born so he's carrying on the Griffeth name, too.
We've had lots of requests for pictures so here we go!
We've had lots of requests for pictures so here we go!

Nate literally right after he was born
I had to put him in his delivered onesie :)
Nate a few hours after he was born
Nate hanging out with his dad
Nate sleeping in mom's arms

Nate and his cousin, Abbie. Abbie looks like a giant compared to Nate! She wasn't sure about him at first but by the end of their visit, she was very intrigued by this little person and wanted to touch him and play with him. I'm excited for them to become friends!
As Ali mentioned, everything went very well and pretty quick in the delivery room. It took a while until I was dilated to a five but by then I had an epidural and life was great. I only had about 2 hours of intense contractions so I can't complain about that! Before we knew it they were calling the doctor and a few pushes later he was here!
Our first night at the hospital was a sleepless one. Nate HATED his little bed and basically insisted on being held all night. So, Wes and I rotated who held him & who got to sleep. While I was exhausted, it was actually kinda nice to be able to just hold and stare at him for a few hours. Wes had his finger in Nate's mouth yesterday and that's when he realized how strong Nate's sucking sensation is! He is a natural so we gave him a binky and that solved our sleeping problem! He no longer needed mom and dad near....the binky comforts him, too which was a relief. We couldn't hold him all night long for many nights!
Nate & I are slowly but surely getting the hang of breastfeeding. So far he is doing OK and seems to be getting enough food. It's hard to tell but we're getting a little better at every feeding.
We opted to stay for two nights at the hospital. Well, let me re-phrase that. I wanted to stay another night and Wes supported me in my decision. :) We came home today around noon and we enjoyed an hour or two of sleep while Nate took a nap. It still hasn't set in that my son has been born and that we're already home with him. This whole thing has been so surreal!
Thanks to everyone for your phone calls, posts, thoughts & prayers. We appreciate it and love you all.
Lindsay, he is SOOOOOO good looking! I'm not kidding. Beautiful, perfect, flawless, not swollen, cute little nose and lips...need I go on? :) Surreal is exactly how I would explain it too, even after 3. This time you're in right now is my most favorite of all and what I look forward to most out of having a baby. The time when life isn't back to "normal" yet, and you're still in the BRAND NEW phase of everything. CONGRATS in the hugest way :)
Congrats Lindsay and Wes he is adoreable. Isn't being a parent the greatest thing in the whole world. Can't wait to meet him.
I love the photo with Weston...he looks like he is laughing. He is really great and Abbie can't wait until her BFF Nate gets big enough to play with little people and read books...she thinks it will be tomorrow.
I love Nate! It is crazy to think they go from newborn to a running tyrant in a matter of 2 years, Noah and Isaac cannot WAIT for that!
I am trying to figure out if Nate is a better match for Addison or Mackenzie. I just know one of them must snatch him up and put dibs on him before Baby C (skeehan baby) gets here! It sounds like everything went just as it should... Congratulations and enjoy this time with your new son!
I must agree with Tara. Nate looks perfect. Congrats again. I'm glad everything went so well.. It's nice to hear a good labor story =0) I get to join the club of newborns tomorrow =0)
Congrast Linds! I am so happy for you both. It really feels like an out of body experience for a few days, basically every emotion in the book! He's just beautiful and all 3 of you look great.
YEAHHHH!! Ali was right...he is a beautiful baby!! Congrats to you and Wes!! I can't wait to meet him!
Now is the time you learn that giving up all the quiet dinners out and alone time is completely WORTH IT!! You will quickly realize you won't remember what it was like before your little guy! Cheers to your future!!
Love you lots! Meg
Congratualtions! He is so beautiful. I am so excited for you. I love this phase... enjoy because soon he will be running around! Congratulations again.
Lindz - the pictures are amazing. He definitely has Weston R. in him but I also see a lot of Lindsay :) Especially those LONG legs. Wow... I am thrilled for you guys... and all the other babies (namely A & B) will definitely have to wait their turn because C already has her eyes on him (even if she is still wombing it for the next 6 weeks :) )
Just perfect! He really is a flawless baby- you don't find that too often. Now, in 2 weeks get on down here for some newborn pics! =) Give him a big kiss and be sure to get some rest.
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