Wes and I just finished Season 1 of 24 and we're soooo addicted. Well, at least I am.
I knew prior to Nate being born we'd have many more nights at home on the couch than we ever have. For years, many people have said that 24 is a great show but we weren't really that interested. I thought we'd give it a try and I love it. Since there is never anything on TV, it has been nice for us to have something to watch together at night.
A few nights ago, we had the final episode left of Season 1 and we decided to stay up after we put Nate down to watch it. He was a great sleeper for us the two nights prior so we got a little cocky thinking maybe he was putting himself in to a nighttime sleep routine. Lets just say that never again will we stay up after we put him down because he quickly reminded us who is in charge. We really wanted that extra 40 minutes of sleep back!
We can't wait for Season 2 to arrive via Blockbuster Online in the mail!
We are so addicted that we had 24 parties and had friends over to watch it even though you cant stop biting your nails to even talk during it! Glad you're on the addiction train!
I loved season one as well but lost interest in every one following. Tripp still watches it every year though. He's remained loyal.
I am with Ali on this one. Season one hooked me too, along with Alias, but were disappointed a bit more with each season thereafter. Sorry to be Debbie Downer. But who am I to judge, as I sit here typing watching The Hills and just got a lecture from Tony I watch too much crap television.
On to the Skeehans, I almost took my camera over there at the last event to post pictures of her nursery for her. Honestly, it's they did such a nice job, You will love it! She is pulling a Lindsay though, has to wait til it's ALL DONE to post...
I never got into 24 either, but maternity leave is how I accomplished all 1 million seasons of Sex in the City. I also recommend Big Love, and back seasons of The Office for your boring Days and Nights.
I would recommend The West Wing and also The Hills (Chris says the same thing about the crap tv)
So..Last night Lauren decided she wasn't going to fall asleep for 3 hours (12-3 a.m.)Sleepless nights are wonderful aren't they!? Oh, and then add Taylor waking up at 4 a.m. screaming at the top of her lungs. I think she had a nightmare but who knows! Hopefully you are able to get some naps during the day =0)
I am so pleased to hear that I am not the only one who watches "The Hills". I watch so little television that it blows Tripp's mind that out of all the shows on TV, that is one I actually Tivo. I am simply amazed that these people can't watch the show and see how horribly they behave. When will Heidi realize she is actually in the wrong here and that her boyfriend/fiance is a schmuck and that her parents are right, she finds a boyfriend then treats everyone else like sludge?! Didn't she learn anything when last season came out and the entire world realized she actually was intricately involved in the hook-up between Jen Bunny and Brody? Whenever PTO moms or ward members or anyone else seem petty and ruthless I think about all the jerky people Lauren knows and am not quite so annoyed anymore.
I've never even heard of The Hills.....sounds like I should give it a try! That is....after 24 and season 3 of Greys Anatomy. :)
So are we all we need to watch is the 6th season and we are set. It reminds me of being pregnant that is all we did every night.
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