Here are a few more pictures of our little guy. He loves holding our hands....he's holding Wes' hand in the picture below. We love and adore him & we're so glad he's finally here. I look at newborn pictures of him and it's amazing how much he has changed already. I have a feeling this "growing up" thing is going to happen way too fast!
Have you taken him to a photographer yet? He's such a cutie with those big eyes!
I love the family photo! He seems to be so alert! I think it's so cute he likes to hold your finger! Just a little way to stay connected, right?
To answer your question...Kyler looks ALOT like Devin and Donny when they were young. I look at the younger pics of both of them and I'm amazed! Crazy how those genes work! I like to say he looks like Dev with Donny's personality!haha Devin was an angel!
Wow! He is so cute! WE can hardly wait to get our hands on him!
Tell Wes not to start chewing on his LONG fingernails when he finishes his!
You are so cute...can't wait to see you in September.
Who needs a photographer when Lindsay and Wes are doing such a good job. He is so adorable and still has your nose Lindsay
Love the pictures...seriously I can't get enough! I'm glad that I finally got to see one with the three of you together. What a great little family!
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