I know I talk about how wonderful Wes is all of the time, but I can't help it. He truly is my better half and is such an amazing person. Although last week was one of the most overwhelming weeks of my life, it was also one of the best and that is because I got to spend the entire week with pretty much just Wes. The last time that happened was 4 years ago on our honeymoon. We grew closer last week than I ever thought possible as we were able to get to know our son together. It is a week I will always cherish.

My mom came over this afternoon and she was here when Wes got home from work. She stayed with Nate as Wes & I went on a half hour date to Golden Spoon to celebrate our anniversary. Earlier today, Nate was circumcised. Oh man, what a procedure! Our doctor didn't want us to come back with him so we just got to hear him scream from the exam room. Luckily, when they brought him back to us, he was calm as can be wrapped in his little blanket. I'm terrified everytime I change his diaper....it looks so incredibly painful and tender. He doesn't seem to be too affected by it yet so we're hoping that it heals quickly without any infection. We're keeping our fingers crossed.
Happy Anniversary, Wes. I love and appreciate all you do for me!
Happy Anniversary! Can't believe it has been four years, which means shortly it will be four years for me as well. I'm sure this next year will be the best yet.
Congratulations and Happy Anniversary! I love looking at your wedding photos.
I can't believe you survived the circumcision! I think I might have had to leave the building. :) It sounds like Nate has a high pain tolerance though!
Happy Anniversary! You have the nicest things to say about Wes!! I think he is just as lucky to have you in his life as well! You two will have so much fun with Nate and the best advice I can give you is....It is so much easier to go through life/kids together as a team! That's my secret!haha
It is amazing how fast time has flown by. It seems like yesterday we were going to see our first movie at Movies 8. I am so glad Lindsay took a chance on me. I love you dear!!!
Happy Anniversary! I still remember how beautiful you looked and how fun your reception was. sounds like Wes got lucky to find you too!
I am sorry about little Nate. I have not had to deal with that yet so I have no idea. Good luck!
I told you about that "waiting in the hallway" thing for the circumcision.....Hope everything went well, I gues once the bandage comes off, you can check the damage! You are a fabulous wife too, I can tell.
Happy Anniversary. I'm dying laughing though b/c I just did a post...clicked on yours, and we totally have the same title. But mine was in refrence to a Jack Johnson song...same thing though. How weird is that? Anyway...congrats. I'm glad you got an hour away for the best treat ever!
Happy Anniversary! I love you two :)
Happy Anniversary!! And what beautiful pictures! I remember that you had a gorgeous wedding album...
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