Ever since we moved to Las Vegas when I was four years old, we've been going to Metro Pizza. It used to be right over by my dad's old office so we'd meet him for dinner almost every Friday night. Alligator Soup, a stationery store, was right next door and we'd always get there a little early so we could look in there. They used to give out Bazooka gum with the check and they used to sell one of my all time favorite drinks....New York Seltzers.
They now have three locations in Vegas, one being close to my house. It is always packed, regardless of the day or time. They have great bread, a great big salad for everyone to enjoy, yummy pizza, but best of all....the have the best ranch dressing....ever. We went there last night with my siblings and had a great time. It's a casual family friendly atmosphere that we love!
I've heard you talk about Metro Pizza before but I've still never tried it. Maybe one of these days we'll have to go. You guys still need to go to La Taqueria!
We defintiely need to go to both places soon! I really want to try La Taqueria. We should meet there in the next few weeks....
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