Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!

What a wonderful day today is ~ I really do enjoy Valentines Day. To me, it's a day that gives me even more of a reason to think of Wes all day and to do nice things for not only him, but people that are close to me. Wes has been out of town for 3 days and he gets home tonight around 11pm so I'm glad I'll at least get to see him today! I would post a picture of us but I realized today that we don't have any recent photos of us. I'll have to be better about that.

Today I realized yet again how cute my family is. I watched Kyle & Abbie this morning for a few hours while Ali was running a school function and I got a Valentine from my cute neice. Ever since I can remember, my dad has always gotten his daughters something for Valentines Day. He gave me a beautiful necklace at work and a couple of hours later I got a bracelet in the mail from Wes. I went to a meeting & when I got back, my mom had been to my office and dropped off a cute heart shaped pewter bowl full of yummy cinnamon hearts. How cute are they? I felt like it was my birthday. :) I am so blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful people daily. I definitely don't deserve them. Happy Valentines Day to you all!


laurel said...


Brad has a client dinner tonight so I am with you on being alone until late. (Who has client dinners on Valentine's day??) We're going out to eat this weekend though so that should be fun.

Have a great night!

Lindsay Griffeth said...

I agree. It was actually pretty funny because my sister Ali's husband is gone, Wes is gone, and a guy that I work with, his wife is gone too. We thought about all going out to dinner as the "abandoned spouses", but I ruined the party by having to go to Young Womens!

Lillie said...

I am so craving cinnamon hearts now. I really wished I'd read your post before I ran errands today. Yum. Happy Valentines Day Linds!