Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Laurel, Laurel & Trisha.....remember Kris?

Wes and I went to the temple tonight and as we sat down to start the session, I looked to my right and there sat one of my BYU crushes. Remember Kris from Sophomore Year at Condo Row? The 6'6 guy? The one where Bogner and I sat on the grass "studying" when really we were just waiting for him to get home? Yeah, that Kris. He smiled at me so I think he recognized me but I never ended up talking to him. By the time I got through he was not in the celestial room anymore and I didn't see him outside. I was actually relieved because I didn't want to talk to him anyway! I was blessed with this strange gift of remembering everyone and their names and specific things about them so I come across as bit wierd sometimes if I haven't seen someone in years and years but I still know everything about them.

However, seeing him brought back some great memories of our Sophomore Year in Condo Row. A few of them are: The Red Shoes, Laurel B. falling flat on her face with a plate of cookies, "How can we be lovers?" with Skip in the car, Coyote Ugly, SNOOD, The Smelly Rug, The time Laurel Walker finally said yes to a boy, Battlebots & Battlesnacks, Bogners strange routine of eating cereal before she was truly awake in the morning, The cats, Carrying the groceries up the stairs in one trip....regardless of how many bags we had, The start of "my" pumpkin cheesecake, "Who let the cats out....meow, meow, meow", Our many secret crushes, Brother Eliason..."Fiddler on the Roof.", Wednesdays at Einsteins & the temple with Laurel W., Endless sleepovers for you know who!, Bogner's outfits that didn't match, Dr. Smart...Bogner still owes me for that one!, Elliot the Christmas tree, "Right here waiting for you", Food coloring exploding in my mouth, Trisha's horse outfits, Our easter baskets for each other, The snowflake ball with Marshall and Paul, My first & last time snowboarding with Laurel, and more! Hope a few of these made you laugh. Let me know if you remember any good times that I forgot! I MISS YOU GIRLS!


Lillie said...

So I know I'm not Laurel, Laurel, or Trisha, but I'm still commenting. Is the boy on your laps the Chris your talking about? Because at first I was sure you were talking about another super tall Chris that I totally had a crush on too. He was in Communications. Not him?

Trisha said...

I totally forgot about SNOOD!!! I loved it...I want to play again. Do you have it?

Lindsay Griffeth said...

Lillie: Yes, the one laying on on our laps is Kris. I don't think he was a Comms major though. But I know EXACTLY who you are talking about in our major! He was a cutie.

Trish: No, I don't have it but I need to find it again. What a great game. Remember when we used to all be on our own computers and we'd play for HOURS trying to beat our scores.

laurel said...

I haven't had a chance to comment until now, but have to tell you that I have had "How can we be lovers?" in my head for 2 days! And of course I am belting it out in my head! Those are some great memories. The couch in that picture makes me a little grossed out. Oh, and I probably shouldn't bring it up but you guys recently reminded me of the Scissor Incident. And how I stood up one guy in particular. And my Ben phase. We could go on and on!

Love you!

Lindsay Griffeth said...

How could I forget the scissors! :)

We all had phases that year, I think. You and Ben, Laurel and "Matty-Matt", me and Lee, and wasn't that the year of Mr. Jeremy Smith for Trisha? Wow. The drama that went on!