Friday, February 2, 2007


I have to say that while I don't know a lot of the women in the ward, we have a REALLY fun ward. Mitsy has started organizing a girls night about once a month where we meet at a movie theatre and then go to Golden Spoon for yummy frozen yogurt afterwards. We had 20 people there last night! It's a fun way to see your friends and meet new people in the ward. We saw Catch & Release. I never saw a preview for it so I didn't have any expectations but everyone else said the preview made it out to be a much cuter movie than it actually was. There was a scene at the beginning that was totally unnecessary and probably would have made for a better storyline without it. Don't want to give anything away but you'll know what I'm referring to if you see it. Has anyone else seen it? I actually kind of liked it.

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