Wednesday, February 28, 2007
My long pants mystery

Sunday, February 25, 2007
Metro Pizza

Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Is there really a baby in there?
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
A little baby shopping
For all of you moms....please comment with any suggestions or opinions you have on anything. Have a stroller you love? A carseat, high-chair, anything that you have found that you've loved or hated....let me know! I love advice and everyone else's opinions - especially since I'm so indecisive!
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Time at home....what is that? :)
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Flashback Friday - London

Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy Valentine's Day!
Today I realized yet again how cute my family is. I watched Kyle & Abbie this morning for a few hours while Ali was running a school function and I got a Valentine from my cute neice. Ever since I can remember, my dad has always gotten his daughters something for Valentines Day. He gave me a beautiful necklace at work and a couple of hours later I got a bracelet in the mail from Wes. I went to a meeting & when I got back, my mom had been to my office and dropped off a cute heart shaped pewter bowl full of yummy cinnamon hearts. How cute are they? I felt like it was my birthday. :) I am so blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful people daily. I definitely don't deserve them. Happy Valentines Day to you all!
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Vegas Rain
My Closet
So, since he is out of town until late Wednesday night (yes, he is gone on Valentines Day) - I decided to do something nice for him. While we love our walk-in closet, my stuff was starting to take over. We both have a lot of stuff in there and it was just getting cluttered. So what did I do? I tried on almost every piece of clothing I own last night! I turned on my little DVD player in my room and tried on clothes for HOURS. Needless to say, I filled a large garbage sack full of clothes I no longer want. I even went to the extent of re-organizing all of my clothes by length of sleeve and color. It looks like a rainbow in there! :) I actually had a good time doing it and it's SO nice to have it cleaned out! Hopefully Wes enjoys his little surprise.
Monday, February 12, 2007
A Furniture Free-for-All
Gary is a very wealthy man but he is so incredibly generous. He recently built a huge, beautiful home and is selling his existing huge & beautiful home. :) They wanted to buy new furniture so they invited a few young couples over on Saturday morning b/c he was GIVING his furniture away! We offered to pay but he wouldn't take the money. He just wanted to give it to people who actually wanted it before he gave it to charity.
We ended up leaving with a truck load of accent pieces....nightstands, these really cute antique tower things, an adorable little beauty station for a little girl, etc. It's so cute! I can't get over how generous Gary was to give away all of his stuff!
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Flashback Friday - cousins

Friday, February 9, 2007
It's truly a family company
However, just picture having your little sister, who is one of your best friends, working with you ALL day. We realized very early on that getting sidetracked was something that could happen quite often. :) I have to say that I've been very proud of us this week. She got her work done and I focused on mine and we had fun on our lunch breaks. It will be fun training her so that she can handle everything while I'm on maternity leave!
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Laurel, Laurel & Trisha.....remember Kris?
However, seeing him brought back some great memories of our Sophomore Year in Condo Row. A few of them are: The Red Shoes, Laurel B. falling flat on her face with a plate of cookies, "How can we be lovers?" with Skip in the car, Coyote Ugly, SNOOD, The Smelly Rug, The time Laurel Walker finally said yes to a boy, Battlebots & Battlesnacks, Bogners strange routine of eating cereal before she was truly awake in the morning, The cats, Carrying the groceries up the stairs in one trip....regardless of how many bags we had, The start of "my" pumpkin cheesecake, "Who let the cats out....meow, meow, meow", Our many secret crushes, Brother Eliason..."Fiddler on the Roof.", Wednesdays at Einsteins & the temple with Laurel W., Endless sleepovers for you know who!, Bogner's outfits that didn't match, Dr. Smart...Bogner still owes me for that one!, Elliot the Christmas tree, "Right here waiting for you", Food coloring exploding in my mouth, Trisha's horse outfits, Our easter baskets for each other, The snowflake ball with Marshall and Paul, My first & last time snowboarding with Laurel, and more! Hope a few of these made you laugh. Let me know if you remember any good times that I forgot! I MISS YOU GIRLS!
Monday, February 5, 2007
Weekend of friends & family
Saturday was also a fun day. Wes finished our entertainment center! I love it. It almost looks complete....I just need to update the decor! I am the YW volleyball coach in our ward so I was gone for 3+ hours coaching just to run home in enough time to make dinner for "movie night." I don't think I've ever talked about movie night on here. There is a group of about 10 of us that get together once a month. Every month it is someone else's turn to make dinner for everyone and pick their favorite movie to watch. So far, most movies are from your childhood or growing up, so I've seen a lot of new movies! It was Wes' pick this time and we watched Return to Snowy River, one of his all time favorites. He says it what has inspired him to be a cowboy. :) It's a fun night that we look forward to.
A friend of mine from high school, Cody Treese, called me out of the blue on Saturday and invited us to his parent's house to watch the Super Bowl. They recently had a little girl & she is beautiful! Such a pretty newborn. It was fun to see them. We couldn't stay for the whole game because we went to my parent's house for dinner. Busy weekend but we got to see a lot of friends and family which we really enjoy!
Friday, February 2, 2007