Sunday, July 22, 2007

Extended Family

My dad's side of the family is just huge. There are 10 brothers and sisters, 7 of which are still living which makes for a lot of cousins which I've always enjoyed. We were lucky enough to have some of them in Vegas this weekend! On Friday night we had a BBQ & swimming at my parent's house. My Aunt Tina & Uncle Gary were there as well as my Aunt Leslie, and her daughter-in-law Andrea and their two adorable little girls, my Aunt Kara & Uncle Allan as well as my immediate family and our Uncle Jerry. My cousin Ryan and my other cousin Jen and her three kids arrived later on Friday night. Needless to say, it was great to see everyone & catch up. It can be hard to keep track of all my cousins since there are so many of us so I always look forward to seeing them.

Tina & her family left on Saturday morning but we got to see the rest of the clan on Saturday night at my aunt Kara's house. We went over there to play some games & enjoy everyone's company. They picked up cheesecake and chocolate cake from The Cheesecake Factory which was delicious! Tina, Gary, Jen & the kids will be back in Vegas the weekend of my due date so hopefully they'll get to meet our little guy!

I consider myself very fortunate to have such a great extended family! I wish we could see them all more often.

On a side note, I realized as I scrolled down my blog today that I've been horrible about taking pictures. I don't have one picture of this weekend either! I'm definitely slacking....


mrs. timberlake said...

I hopped on, thinking you would rectify the situation and post some pics, maybe of the belly... maybe of the nursery... but no. Nothing, nada, zippo.

Kelsey said...

NURSERY PICTURES! I'm not going to write anything else till I see them =)