On Tuesday night, we finally went out with some friends of ours....Nikki & Cody Treese. I grew up with Cody and his family and he and his cute wife Nikki and their beautiful little girl Tessa moved to Vegas last December and we finally went out to dinner! We went to Metro Pizza, one of my favorites, and then back to Cody's parent's house where we sat outside by their amazing pool and chatted for a while. It was great to see them and get to know Nikki better. I look forward to seeing her more often once I'm at home during the day.
On Thursday, I went out to lunch with Julie Tandy...a friend from highschool. We try to get together for lunch regularly but we haven't been in a while. It was great to be able to chat with her & catch up on everything that has been going on. It's a good thing it was a pretty casual day at work because we got there at 11:45 and before we knew it....it was 2:30!
On Friday night, Wes and I wanted to get a few things done around the house so we'd have more free time on Saturday. When we got home from work, neither one of us were very hungry for a "real" dinner so we tried a new icecream parlor for dinner. I've been eyeing it for a few months and I am sad to say that I was pretty disappointed. Don't get me wrong, the icecream was good but I had a higher expectation for a sit-down icecream parlor. I think I'd rather go to Golden Spoon or Baskin Robbins. I was pretty bummed ~ I always love finding a new icecream joint.

On Saturday morning, Wes played his usual round of golf bright and early. I got up pretty early myself and did some stuff around the house before I met my mom at Nordstrom for the pre-sale! I absolutely LOVE the Nordstrom sale so I was happy to meet my mom there last minute. One reason I love Nordstrom is because they carry quite a selection of size 11 shoes. Yes, as many people say, I could water ski without the skis my feet are so big. :) It's really the only place where I have any luck finding shoes that fit. I did pretty well yesterday with 4 new pair! I have to say that while it's hard to believe I'll ever be in "normal" clothes again - I look forward to being able to shop in normal stores again! You can only find so many cute maternity clothes & who wants to invest that much money in something that's so short term. I look forward to going shopping again!

On Saturday evening, we resumed our "movie night" tradition. This started a few years ago with Ali & Tripp and our mutual friends Tara and Scott. Our group has expanded to include Brooke, Brad & Sam. We get together once a month for dinner and a movie. It rotates who is in charge and you host everyone for dinner and then we get to watch one of your favorite movies. Last night was Tara's turn where we had fabulous gourmet hamburgers & we watched "You've Got Mail". It's a night I look forward to every month. Tara and Scott recently got married so we haven't had it in a few months so I'm glad we're back on track.
Tonight we enjoyed dinner with my family at my parent's house. I always like having my family together. It's fun to have the kiddos around ~ Abbie sure brings a fun presence to our household. There's something about having a toddler around that makes everything more fun. Pretty soon we'll have 3 little ones running around! It was probably our last family Sunday dinner for a while since my parent's are remodeling their kitchen and Ali and Tripp will be out of town for a few weekends so it was fun to see everyone.
We have another busy week ahead of us ~ hope you all have a great week!
See you in 4 days!
Abbey is adorable! I'm so excited your family is growing.
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