Thursday, July 19, 2007


The countdown to the due date has officially begun ~ we have three weeks to go until August 10th! I can't believe it's already this close. While my countdown goes to my due date, I have in my head that he will come late. Wes was late.....I was late.....a lot of first babies are late. That way, if my due date comes and goes, it won't be quite as big of a dissapointment & if he comes early it will be a nice surprise. If I can avoid being induced I want to. I'd like him to come on his own but only time will tell.

We put the car seat bases in our cars today. Driving around with a car seat definitely makes this whole thing a little more real. In a matter of a few weeks, our little guy will be in there! It's nice to know that we now have all of the necessities ready for his arrival. Hopefully I'll have time to do all of the finishing touches but it's nice knowing that all of the things we truly need are ready for him to come home to.


Kelsey said...

Man, it could happen any day now! Post pics of your nursery, PLEASE! And your belly!

Anya said...

Ummmm...yes, nursery pictures.....hmmmmm....WHERE are they?

Megan said...

Well, the 12th is a great day in my opinion!haha Certainly not because it's my birthday or anything!

Good luck and I'm very excited for you and Wes! I am so happy to have another member of the family!

Trisha said...

It's so exciting that it's getting so close!!! I remember all of the anticipation and going to bed every night telling Josh that I thought the baby was going to come that night. Of course we all know my embarrasing story of how it really happened. My advice to you...don't venture out too much in case your water breaks!

Bella Beginnings said...

I can't believe that the due date is so close!!! I do have to tell you, that Haylee came 3 weeks early and Addilyn came 10 days... so goodluck. Just make sure you are packed and ready to go, cause babies come when they are least expected!!! Good luck. The nursery is so cute. Of course you do such cute stuff!