For a while, that was true. I felt like maybe I did have some extra room in there for him to grow but that is absolutely not the case anymore. I can't believe I'm actually posting a picture of myself to prove it.
The last month has been crazy. I swear he has grown like a weed & it feels like my entire body is swollen & i just feel HUGE. I'm also reminded of how big I am by at least 1-2 strangers a day.
- "ooohhh, you must be due soon"
- "mam...will you fit in a booth or do you prefer a table?"
- "you are going to pop!"
- "are you having twins?"
Just a few of the lines I heard this week. You just have to laugh because it's true!
Enjoy this picture because it will be the last one of me for quite a while.
I love it! We are so looking forward to seeing this little guy! You look great and I love the nursery!
I think you look adorable! Honestly, the only thing I think when I see this is "WOW, she looks good!"
You look great! And I always love those comments, as if there's a whole lot you can do. I had the skinniest/trashiest waitress once ask me if I was due any day with twins and I was probably 6 months along! What is wrong with people? I said, "you have obviously never had kids", as her rock hard abs and cleavage were in my face. Just to give you a mental picture!
Oh Lindsay- I love it...if only you could have posted a pictures of those ankles....
You look so good! Those people that make those comments are just a bunch of drunk loosers! Seriously- you are amazingly beautiful and don't listen to any of those idiots! =) Plus, I bet you are blessed with the jeans that let you shed your pregnancy weight in 2 weeks!
And, p.s. Try REALLY being pregnant with twins and listening to peoples comments. =)
Seriously, I'm going to have to join the club and say you look absolutely wonderful - sincerely!! For heaven's sake, a few of my friends who are like 5-6 would be jealous :)
You look great. I can't wait to see photos of the little guy!!! I am so happy for you.
I'm sure you can imagine what a 5'2 girl looks like carrying twins!!haha
It could always be worse!! You look great and I believe you feel bigger than you look!!
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