Tuesday, July 10, 2007

My Sandwich Addiction

My addiction to sandwiches started about 9 months ago & it has gotten a little more intense as time goes on. It doesn't matter what kind ~ ham, turkey, PB&J, cheese, etc. I love them all and want one for every meal. Even breakfast sometimes. I'm not picky where they come from but my recent favorites have been Panera, Spicy Pickle, Einsteins & good old Subway. My other constant cravings are fruit and icecream, but the sandwich thing has really taken over.

Wes' least favorite food is a sandwich ~ poor guy. :)


laurel said...

That is so funny. Have a Tasty Turkey for me!

I have weekly cravings. The same thing happened to me when I was pregnant with Avery. I have a favorite for a few weeks and then move on to a different one. This week's is a Chipotle Burrito. I have had 3 in the last 6 days and will surely have more as the week goes on!

Ali said...

Let me know when you head to Einsteins...Junior has been craving a turkey on asiago bagel with veggie cream cheese.

Katie said...

So funny...total oppostite of Jay and I. He could eat a sandwich for every meal, and I usually pass. Unless it's Port of Subs. What's up with that not being in the list of places? It's a must.

Trisha said...

It's good that your craving is a healthy one! I wanted potatoes so badly when I was pregnant with Macie. Baked, mashed, french fries, potato cakes...you name it. I never really ate them before that.

Bella Beginnings said...

This is funny, because with both pregnancies, I have this disgust for bread and carbs. Considering that Sandwhiches are ALWAYS a favorite food for me, I have a hard time. So at least the cravings are in favor of yummy foods. With my first baby, I always craved cherry dip cones from Dairy Queen, something about the hardening shell was so yummy!

Lindsay Griffeth said...

Katie...I do enjoy Port of Subs, but it's not convenient to my office & so I've kinda converted to Subway. They have better veggies to put on my sandwich. :)

Alisha said...

Funny how ever pregnancy is so different...with the girls I don't think I had any particular cravings. With Trey I craved Dairy products. It is great to be pregnant where you can FEED your cravings. Enjoy being able to eat freely!

510Jen said...

Oh it must run in the family because I am the exact same way an after I have the bambinos I still love them it doesn't change.

Lillie said...

I love that you just posted this, as I was debating posting my new sandwich addiction. I make one at home for lunch every day and my new thing is turkey bacon. In total, it should have turkey, turkey bacon, avocado, tomato, lettuce, and spicy mustard (just a little, sometimes cheese, but I've realized that with all the other good stuff, I can do without the cheese (gasp). Oh and on sourdough. I got a yummy loaf at the beginning of the week and have had a sandwich every day. I guess our babies like sandwiches. :)

Megan said...

I loved sandwiches too, my favorite however was a big jar of peppercini's. Who needs the sandwich stuff, just the peppercini's please!