Wednesday, July 4, 2007


Happy Fourth of July.

I thought a little bit today about this amazing country that we live in, for the freedoms we enjoy, and for the wonderful people and families who sacrifice so much for our country. We truly are blessed to live where we live & enjoy everything we enjoy.

Our 4th of July was pretty low-key this year....we just enjoyed our day off together. Wes played golf this morning (for the first time ever, he beat my dad! This has been a goal of Wes' for over 4 years now!) and we worked around the house a little bit. Our afternoon was spent at my parent's house in the pool. They had to pry me out of the water to eat dinner. I just love being in the pool even if it is 110 outside. It's the only place where I actually feel comfortable & without back pain! We had dinner over there & played some games. We got to experience the many fireworks that were going off on our drive home. They were everywhere!

Hope you all had an enjoyable holiday!

1 comment:

Katie said...

So fun. I wish I could have laid by the pool. I know exactly what you mean though about not getting out of the water. I swam all the time towards the end of my pregnancy and then I started wondering what would happen if my water broke in the water and I didn't know! Okay...those are the crazy things you start to think and dream about towards the end. But, the water saved me.