My years at BYU will always remain one of the best four years of my life. Not only did I meet Wes while I was there but I was lucky enough to meet the best girl friends. They rock. And I got to spend a weekend with almost all of them for Laurel's wedding.
She's the last one of us to get hitched. We've been looking forward to this day for a long time. I love to see friends find their perfect match. Laurel definitely found that in Ryan.
Wes was nice enough to have a father-son weekend so I could go enjoy the weekend with the girls without worrying about Nate. I met Laurel Walker (not to be confused with the bride, Laurel Plewe) at the Oakland airport on Friday afternoon. It worked out great that she was coming alone, too so we could share a rental car and she found us a family friend to stay with since she grew up there. I got to go with Laurel W. to her favorite restaurants!
Laurel had a beautiful "night before her wedding" dinner in her good friend Sofia's backyard in Walnut Creek. It was beautiful.

Laurel P. couldn't have asked for a better day on her wedding. The weather was beautiful! Her sealing was great. I always love going to sealings in the temple. Here are some photos of us outside the temple.
The Oakland Temple grounds are gorgeous.
Waiting for the bride & groom
Laurel has LOTS of girlfriends. Since 12+ bridesmaids seemed like a little much, she had 2 friends as bridesmaids and asked the rest of us to wear black dresses. We quickly were called "Laurel's black dress girls". We took some really fun pictures! I loved her colors . . . plum and mango. The flowers were amazing!

The reception that night was quite a party. It was in her parent's beautiful backyard. We picked a table away from everyone and chatted the entire night. We managed to make our way to the dance floor when a song or two came on that reminded us of Miss Lo-rel.
It was fun to see you, girls! And it was great to be a part of Laurel's day. She definitely deserves this happiness in her life!
what a beautiful wedding...and i agree with you, those colors are great together! i bet there wasn't a dull moment with all of you together...you're a hot looking bunch! what a fun weekend with the girls while your boys got to spend some quality time together.
Laurel P looks lovely. The very best of wishes to her and Ryan.
I'm so glad you posted this... so we got to see a little of Laurel's day! She looked SOO beautiful. And all of it. What beautiful pictures you took Linds. I just saved the temple one to my computer and JUST might print it to frame in my house. I love it. Thanks!
The pictures make me sad again that I wasn't there. Laurel looks so happy and beautiful. I'm glad you went.
Great pictures! I am stealing them for my blog. That was such a fun weekend - I am glad we got to spend it together.
What a fun wedding! I love the black dress idea!
Thanks for sharing the pics!
Congrats to Laurel- everything looked beautiful!
I especially love that first pick of Laurel and Ryan... wherever did you get it? ;) It's great seeing all the different pics because everyone captured something differently - I especially love the one of them coming out of the temple - very nice!
I love the Oakland temple. I grew up around there and my parents were married there so when I was younger I always thought I would get married there. We moved so I didn't but every time I see a picture of that temple it reminds me of my childhood. It looks like you had a fun trip!
Love love love your pics. If you send me a cd, I'll send you one! =). It was so great to see you last weekend. Too bad Laurel was the last to get married. We'll have to come up with other reasons to get together!
lindsey rozier is seriously so hilarious...i should of known she would be there! i saw some pictures on her blog last week. i love weddings...i hope they liked their painting!
Hey Lindsay! It has been a long long time. Do you still remember me- the other Lindsay from London? I had to comment on your blog because I couldn't believe that your friend Laurel married Ryan Plewe. I went to college with Ryan and even took him to one of my sorority date nights. What a small world! I hope everything is going well. Your little one is so cute! I also thought it was funny to see Julie's latest blog post to Portland. I actually am living in Portland right now while Eric's in residency. Anyway it would be fun to catch up sometime. I'll have to invite you to my blog since it is private now.
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