Friday, October 10, 2008

22 facts

Here are a few random facts about Nate at 14 months:

1). When he has a poopy diaper, we ask him, "who is P.U."? And he either plugs his nose or sticks a finger up his nose.
2). Current favorite foods: guacamole, frozen gogurts & fresh squeezed orange juice. Not normal OJ. Only fresh squeezed. I have my mom to thank for that one!
3). He wants to throw his own dirty diapers away. He holds it & walks it over to the diaper genie and puts it in himself.
4). Loves animals. Especially doggies.
5). He's Sesame Street's #1 fan.
6). Walking like a champ. Still a tad bit wobbly at times but walking everywhere.
7). Loves other little kids.
8). We play peek-a-boo all day long.
9). He can tell you these sounds: a dog says woof, a cow says moo, a bear growls, a lion roars, an owl says "whoo whoo".
10). When you ask what a bunny does he tries to twitch his nose. And if you ask what an iguana does, he sticks his tongue in and out.
11). He knows where his: eyes, nose, ears, hair, fingers, "beep-beep", toes & mouth are.
12). He's got manners - signing please and thank you all the time.
13). He loves it when we're "gonna get him". Wes and I always chase him around and he runs or crawls really fast to get away from us as he's screaming. He LOVES it.
14). Obsessed with drinking. He always wants other people's drinks . . . especially if a straw is involved.
15). He notices when things are new right away. If I re-decorate something, he knows. If we paint a wall, he knows. It cracks me up at how observant they are.
16). He loves music. Loves it. Loves it. Will clap and dance or just sit mesmerized as he listens. He even did a little break dancing at Aunt Sam's last week.
17). His teeth are mighty clean because he loves to brush them.
18). He's had a bath every day of his life. He loves it and I love the smell of a clean baby.
19). He's in bed for the night at 6:30pm.
20). He inherited the Marz "I love my blanky" gene.
21). He loves to be pushed around in his dump truck. Sometimes he even insists on sitting in it while he watches Elmo. The only problem with a dump truck is as soon as he moves one way, it dumps him out!
22). He's brave. He loves to fly high & go fast!


Becky Chatwin said...

What a cute kid. They are so fun at that age, they can communicate and play. Kids are the best!

Amanda said...

So thats where my kids get the whole obsessed with their blankie thing. I was a binkie baby ( I would much rather have blankie babies, but it is yet to stop for any of mine). He is so cute, it makes me want to have a one year old again!

Street Fam said...

I wish Ben liked brushing his teeth! I have to act like a silly clown or sing crazy songs while forcing the toothbrush in his mouth!

And what's up with Nate and his TAN skin! No fair!

The Baker said...

and for #23- he is the darn cutest little boy you will ever see!

Kelsey said...

Dang- I was going to say the same thing about #23! He melts my heart!

mrs. timberlake said...

#24) He secretly loves his phx peeps - addison, mackenzie and claire. --- in that order.

Alisha said...

We are missing our Naters...when are we going to get to see him again? He is the cutest kid!

leigh and spencer said...

Keep brush'n!!