Since Wes' birthday is this week I wanted to take him to his favorite restaurant, The Pasta Shop. It's a tiny little restaurant that my family has been going to for years. A few years ago, David (one of the chefs and owners) came out and was chatting with us and somehow he and Wes came up with a delicious dish and it's been Wes' favorite ever since. It's large rigatoni noodles (homemade at the restaurant), thinly sliced red potatoes, mediterranean sausage & some vegetables all sauteed in fresh garlic, olive oil & butter. It's fabulous. It's now my favorite dish there, too.
After a great dinner out we were going to catch a movie but we had to wait until 9:25 to see any of the movies we wanted to see. I didn't want to push it with my first evening out . . . I'm not sure I can stay up that late! :)
The rest of the weekend was spent with Nate either cleaning the house or at the park. On Sunday Nate was really funny. He was cracking us up. On Sunday morning . . .
Nate enjoyed playing under the blanket with dad

He loved his apple. He got it out of the fridge as Wes and I were cleaning up dinner and took small bites out of it as he walked around the kitchen. He even thought it was really fun to share it with Wes and I as he allowed us to take bites, too.
Right before bathtime, he hung out with me for a bit. He laid on my legs and either just relaxed due to exhaustion or he laughed and laughed while I tickled him.
Look at all of those teeth on Nate! He is starting to look like a toddler! Glad you all had a fun night out. Jeff and I will have to try that one of these days!
He is growing up way TOO fast! Thanks for sharing the updates! I guess Wes didn't get enough TENT time growing up!
How fun to go on a date! Toddlers aren't always the best dinner companions :)
He's so cute! When we had time with no kids to go out we totally took it for granted. Then when our kids move out we will probably spend all of our time complaining how we don't have kids anymore.
Okay, you need to help me with the whole sign language thing - we tried doing the whole "done" and "more" thing but it didn't seem to work too well and I probably have given up too easily...
And am LOVING the laughing picture :) What a beautiful boy.
How have I been waiting all day for Mimi's Halloween Pics, and YOU still manage to comment before moi.
Loved these pictures and I am going to be President of the WES/LINDSAY DATE NIGHT NEEDED MORE THAN ONCE EVERY 14 MONTHS. or however long it's been since Nate has joined your household.
BooYa to you on that.
yeah for date night! That reminds me, Chris and I haven't been out alone for a LONG time!! I think its time.
Nate is such a cute kid! You can tell he has a great personality. Also, I love baby sign language too- so great!
I was so like you with Sophia-- what's the point in going out when your OUT time would be your easy time at home. You hire a sitter just so they can hang in your nice quiet house while you tire yourself out on a night-on-the-town.
But then they get a little older and it's a must. A MUST. And either way a good dinner out of your house is always SO nice.
You have two funny boys. Love that you were able to go out on a date. It's nice to not have to take the rugrat sometimes right!
That dish does sound good! Nate has got some cute little rolls on him. =) Glad you got to on a date. It is always a nice refresher.
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