Friday, November 9, 2007

Flashback Friday

I decided to start back up with Flashback Fridays. This is a picture that I have up in my family room. It's on my wedding day & I'm surrounded by some of my dearest friends. My two sisters are in the picture, my cousin Shannon, Anya: a friend I've had since Kindergarten, Mimi: a friend that I met at BYU, Laurel/Laurel/Trisha: the best college roomates a girl could ask for.
Granted, there are a number of dear friends missing from this picture, but the girls in this picture are truly amazing people and friends. I was so fortunate to have them with me on my wedding day and to still have them be such a big part of my life today. Friends & sisters truly are two of my favorite things.
I love being able to look at this picture daily ~ it brings back so many wonderful memories!


Tina said...

Great picture and it is wonderful to have those pictures that can bring back the feeling of that moment.

mrs. timberlake said...

mimi looks like a baby in this picture. one of the cutest pictures of girlfriends i have seen. i would have that picture up in my living room too.

Kelsey said...

Thats such a cute pics! Sharing anything with girls is wonderful!

Anya said...

What a great day that was- I am so thankful I have you for a friend. You are priceless to me!

The Skeehan Family said...

I love you Lindsay Griffeth. I love having pictures like that up... and I really need many more -which tells me that we need to get together more!!!!!

The Boz said...

I like your "flashback friday" idea...especially 'cause I was featured in it! haha! So, Ryan wants to plan a trip to Vegas to see a show (we have a mutual friend who is in Spamalot right now) and go dancing and stuff, so hopefully I'll be seeing you soon! YEAH!