I decided to start back up with Flashback Fridays. This is a picture that I have up in my family room. It's on my wedding day & I'm surrounded by some of my dearest friends. My two sisters are in the picture, my cousin Shannon, Anya: a friend I've had since Kindergarten, Mimi: a friend that I met at BYU, Laurel/Laurel/Trisha: the best college roomates a girl could ask for.
Granted, there are a number of dear friends missing from this picture, but the girls in this picture are truly amazing people and friends. I was so fortunate to have them with me on my wedding day and to still have them be such a big part of my life today. Friends & sisters truly are two of my favorite things.
I love being able to look at this picture daily ~ it brings back so many wonderful memories!
Great picture and it is wonderful to have those pictures that can bring back the feeling of that moment.
mimi looks like a baby in this picture. one of the cutest pictures of girlfriends i have seen. i would have that picture up in my living room too.
Thats such a cute pics! Sharing anything with girls is wonderful!
What a great day that was- I am so thankful I have you for a friend. You are priceless to me!
I love you Lindsay Griffeth. I love having pictures like that up... and I really need many more -which tells me that we need to get together more!!!!!
I like your "flashback friday" idea...especially 'cause I was featured in it! haha! So, Ryan wants to plan a trip to Vegas to see a show (we have a mutual friend who is in Spamalot right now) and go dancing and stuff, so hopefully I'll be seeing you soon! YEAH!
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