Tonight we did a little something fun for our girlies. Katie made delicious caramel and chocolate covered apples & wrapped them all cute with a note from us telling them how wonderful they are. Then, all of the leaders met at the church, piled in Katie's car, and doorbell ditched each girl. You should have seen Emily, Jen & Loralee as they were running! We are definitely amateurs at the doorbell ditching but we had a fun evening out with a lot of laughs.
I'm grateful for the opportunity I have to work with them and feel very fortunate to be surrounded by such great people!
What a fun idea to bond with the ladies. I am also in YW's and we just got a whole new presidency, so we need to do this. Thanks!
Great Idea! Not only fun for the presidency but fun for the girls to know that you all are thinking about them! Keep the great ideas coming.
so fun! i can totally see all those running so funny. i've been in primary for 3 years now and i'm sick of it. oh well better than some callings.
I miss young womens how fun is this. Enjoy your calling because you could be teaching RS like me YIKES.
Isn't the church great not only do we have the truth but we have so much fun
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