I really feel like I got a new baby this last month. The first two months were rough. He was a good natured baby but didn’t sleep much and when he did, it had to be in someone’s arms…..usually mine. Everything changed the third month. He takes great naps outside of my arms and is doing a little better at night, too! For two months I couldn’t get anything done during the day so now that he takes naps…sometimes long naps….outside of my arms…I feel like a whole new person! I love it! It makes me enjoy being at home all day because when I’m not working I can get stuff done around the house….read a book…..scrapbook…etc. And, he puts himself to sleep! No more rocking and walking around with him. When its time for a nap we swaddle him, lay him down, give him his binky & a kiss on the head, and walk out of the room. 95% of the time that works!
Nate’s little personality has really come out this month. He smiles from ear-to-ear all of the time and loves to hear himself make noise. He kicks his legs a ton and gets really excited. His new favorite love is the mirror. He loves looking at himself and he cracks himself up all day long. It is so fun to watch. He is rarely upset but when he is….he’s either tired or hungry which are easy problems to solve.
One other thing that is new is that he always has to have something in his mouth. If he can’t pull his shirt in to his mouth or there isn’t a blanket near, he will settle for his hands. He puts his long fingers so far in to his mouth that he gags himself repeatedly. It’s quite funny. It sometimes leads to him puking so we try to give him something else to suck on.
He is definitely out of his 0-3 month clothes and on to the bigger size. Actually, he’s kind of in between sizes since he’s still pretty long and skinny but before long all of his 3-6 month clothes will fit.
I am SO thankful that this month has been MUCH easier than the first two were. I love my little man and he has brought so much joy to our family in 3 short months!
what a cutie pie! 3months generally is a great stage not for us though. but nate and chaser's are gonna be great friends they'll be in nursery together! they are only 4 months apart!
You're giving me hope. Although I am ready to throw in the towel already. How do I make it through months of this??? Glad things are going so much better for you now! He is so adorable.
I love this post. AMEN to everything.
So fabuolous..
I wish babies were born already knowing what they are supposed to do. Eat good, sleep good= a sane and happy mom! I'm so glad that Nate figured it out so soon. I think it took Riley a lot longer!
I can't believe how fast they grow. Olivia is already wearing some 3-6 month outfits too! I'm amazed.
Also, she is the same way about sucking on blankets and clothes. It is so funny! I often find her with a totally soaked shirt or swaddle blanket after a nap.
I am so jealous that Nate puts himself to sleep! No fair! Actually, I decided today that she is old enough for me to start working on some of the sleep tactics in "our book." So I read it all day, and then once I read your post, I was re-motivated. I laid Olivia down, and let her moan herself to sleep (even though I could hear that her binky had fallen out). It was a breakthough, and she went to sleep after 25 minutes-- Not as bad as I would have expected. She never really even cried! Thanks for the confidence boost...We needed it! Nate is adorable in all of the photos. He looks like such a big boy!
I am happy that month 3 is better! Keep it up, it only gets better. Soon he will be walking!
Cute Boy! We love the pictures and we can't wait to meet this little man...and to watch his parents in action! I think it is fun to see how good you and Wes are doing at figuring out this parenting stuff...we knew you would be good!
Can't wait to see him in person! It is hard to believe he is already 3 months old!!!
Thanks for sharing!
3 months old- ah, how time flies... although, maybe not for the sleepless mother ;) Glad things are turning around in that area.
I was wondering if you know the name of the green paint color in your bedroom, I love it! I've always wanted our room to look like yours since then. Hope you don't mind. Is your furniture dark brown or black? I'm ready (really ready) for a bedroom makeover...
megan patrick wants you to add her. her site is justinmeganandkids.blogspot.com
Look how big he is getting and is still every bit as cute. His eyes are so big and beautiful. Every age and stage are different but are all meant to be enjoyed. Have fun in Atlanta for Thanksgiving
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