My little man turned five months old last weekend.
This was a fun month with new and exciting things for him to try. The first big thing is he now eats rice cereal and vegetables! He LOVES his food & is a pretty hungry dude. He’s a messy eater, as you can see in some pictures, but it makes it fun. He loves squash, carrots & green beans…and hates peas. The face he makes when peas are coming his way is pretty funny. His lips are sealed shut!
We put together his “ring-of-joy” (the exersaucer) and I was shocked at how quickly he caught on to what everything does. He’s playing the music, jamming things in his mouth, turning the book pages, etc. I try not to let him sit in there for too long but it’s nice to have him in the kitchen while I’m cleaning up or maybe cooking dinner.
We’re trying to help him sit up. He gets a little stronger every day! I’m hoping that in the next few weeks he’ll be able to sit for longer periods on his own.
He found his feet a few weeks ago. It was really funny. He was in the bathtub & he lifted up his legs and the look on his face when he saw his feet was priceless. Since then, he can’t stop putting them in his mouth.
He must be teething because he rubs his gums all day long with the same finger…his left hand pointer finger. He sucks on that thing all day long. I’m predicting now that he’s going to be a lefty. He does everything left handed. We’ll see.
This was a fun month with new and exciting things for him to try. The first big thing is he now eats rice cereal and vegetables! He LOVES his food & is a pretty hungry dude. He’s a messy eater, as you can see in some pictures, but it makes it fun. He loves squash, carrots & green beans…and hates peas. The face he makes when peas are coming his way is pretty funny. His lips are sealed shut!
We put together his “ring-of-joy” (the exersaucer) and I was shocked at how quickly he caught on to what everything does. He’s playing the music, jamming things in his mouth, turning the book pages, etc. I try not to let him sit in there for too long but it’s nice to have him in the kitchen while I’m cleaning up or maybe cooking dinner.
We’re trying to help him sit up. He gets a little stronger every day! I’m hoping that in the next few weeks he’ll be able to sit for longer periods on his own.
He found his feet a few weeks ago. It was really funny. He was in the bathtub & he lifted up his legs and the look on his face when he saw his feet was priceless. Since then, he can’t stop putting them in his mouth.
He must be teething because he rubs his gums all day long with the same finger…his left hand pointer finger. He sucks on that thing all day long. I’m predicting now that he’s going to be a lefty. He does everything left handed. We’ll see.
He still loves going on walks & being outside. He loves it when you clap for him. Sometimes he just laughs and laughs for no apparent reason. Still isn't a fan of the car but is starting to like being on his tummy a little more.
He’s still not sleeping through the night and has recently decided not to nap as long, but he’s such a fun baby and I love being his mom.
He’s still not sleeping through the night and has recently decided not to nap as long, but he’s such a fun baby and I love being his mom.
This is picture OVERLOAD but it's for Grandma G. in Georgia! I didn't post many random pictures of him this month so here they all are....
Nate in the stroller on one of our walks.
Nate sitting up.
Having fun in his new toy....the "ring of joy."
lounging in the bathtub with his furrowed brow.
my grandma was in town for christmas so we got a picture of the 4 generations.
Nate and his dad just hanging out.
All Smiles.
This is his new favorite thing. Pulling hair and pinching. It's brought tears to my eyes a few times....he's got quite a grip!
He looks so old to me in this picture.
And here are a bunch of pictures of Nate eating. We always seem to have the camera out!
THANK YOU!!!!!! I just can't get enough of these awesome grandchildren! You absolutely made my day! He does look SO OLD!!! Yikes! Can't wait to see him next week! Thanks for feeding my love of pictures!
Abbie (now Daisy) has that same saucer...she loved it too. It is amazing that Nate is old enough now to use it. Time flies...
The girls had that excersaucer too... must be a good one. I loved all of the pictures.
OK, I know I say this every time, but he is SO CUTE. He really is the cutest baby boy I have ever seen (except for maybe my own :), or maybe they tie!)
I can't believe how old he looks and I forgot how much they can do by 5 months. It's weird to think that Ashton is not far behind!
I think you are well on your way to your NY resolution of Photography! You just can't take a bad picture of the boy! He is a doll!
Those pictures are the cutest!! I was gonna mention the ones that were my fav but there were just too many! And my kids eat with no shirts until they're about 2 years old LOL!
He looks so BIG! We love all of the pictures...we can't get enough! Hope he has another happy day today!
I love all those pictures. You can never have a picture overload - they are all so great! I love when they can start eating real food and sitting up. It makes going out a lot easier (at least for a little while). He is so dang cute. I can't believe how fast they grow!
I loved the "furrowed brow," old man look,and eating naked. His faces are so cute in all of those.... oh yes, and Goofy Wes Voice was also fabulous, even the boys liked it! Isaac was watching it with me and he said something like "talk again...talk again" of course it was in Ikey-speak so I can't be sure.
He is getting so big and is still just as adorable as ever. You are right he looks way older than 5 months in that one picture. I love seeing all the pictures! Sounds like you are still loving being a mom and enjoying all that comes with it.
Zeke hates peas also but has loved everything else.
Wow! He is getting so big. He looks older than 5 months in quite a few of those pics! Too cute!
Those picts are totally adorable! I used to think that Nate looked totally like you, but I definitely see a lot of Wes in him now that he's getting bigger. Bring that boy over to play!
I just started laughing and then couldn't stop as the food pictures kept going... and the commentary is fabulous as well!! :) He is getting SO handsome too!! Wow, I can't believe it.
Wow, I can't believe how much he has changed. He is still so darling. I will have to get down to Vegas sometime and see you (and him again). I miss the whole Marz family!
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