Saturday, January 26, 2008

My first pair of pajama pants

19 years old: So excited that capris were in style again. It meant another alternative to pants.

20 years old: Was made fun of in college by my dear roommates because of my "floods."

21 years old: Bought my first pair of black pants, ever. This was the first pair of pants I EVER owned that wasn’t a pair of jeans. I happened to find them when I was living in London. I think I bought 3 of the same pant in fear that I’d never be able to find them again.

22 years old: Jeans became slightly easier to find in longer lengths.

24 years old: Bought my first pair of women’s sweat pants. The kind that look a little nicer than a big baggy pair of sweats you borrowed from your hubby. I found these in Italy. I think I need a yearly trip to Europe just to shop.

26 years old: I officially own my first pair of Pajama Pants.

For those of who can walk in to a store and try on a pair of pants without knowing they aren’t going to be long enough, consider yourselves lucky. You have no idea how easy you have it. While I like being tall, finding pants has always been a challenge. The problem isnt necessarily that I’m 6’2. It’s that I have a 37" inseam.

It has taken a while for clothing stores to realize that tall women need clothes, too. I’ve been able to find a few stores….Gap & Buckle….that carry long pants but that’s about it. Half the time I still have to let the hem out. Even the designer jeans that everyone says will be long enough look like capris on me.

There is one thing I don't understand. For those retailers who finally caught on that extra-long lengths (not just long) of jeans and pants will sell….I’m not sure why they haven't thought of the fact that we would like a pair of sweats and pajamas, too. I keep hoping one day that I'll look at and there will be a little icon under a cute pair of pajama pants that says "comes in tall". I'm not holding my breath.

However, I did find a pair of PJ pants from The Tall Girl Shop. They are plenty long and real comfy so I was pretty excited when I found them.


Kelsey said...

LOl- you crack me up. I like my pants long and sometimes that is hard so I can only imagine how you feel! I'm glad you found some. They look real cute on! Every new mommy must live in those for a while.

Ali said...

Super cute too.

Alisha said...

Love the pants...even though I'm not as tall as you, pajama pants in general are still way too short for me. I usually end up in the men's section when I look for pajama pants.

Tina said...

At my age finding something long enough is not my only problem.

Megan said... I know why you live somewhere warm...Capri's!haha Just an FYI...I've been on a mission with my sis in law..who also has your same inseam...DKNY has a long length, we find them at Dillards. Cute jeans, very flattering and STRETCHY! As a mom, comfort is highly important, right! I feel for you, I joined her search only because I couldn't stand seeing her highwaters! We can't find Gap tall here, we have to go online....only she doesn't know how they fit! Frustrating! I have a hard time one makes them short enough...all my jeans cost more just to hem...then I feel I've cut off about half the price in material. If only I could shop at kids gap!haha

laurel said...

Congratulations! Welcome to the world of pajama pants wearing :)

Lillie said...

Oh Lindsey-- I really do feel for you, even though my 5'10 doesn't really compare at all. In highschool I remember thinking that if I found jeans that were long enough, nothing else mattered, I got them. Things got a lot easier for me later, so I can see how they got a LITTLE better for you but still not great. I'm so happy for you that you finally own a pair of pajama pants, and I sort of can't believe it since I live in some sort of sweat or pajama pant.

Love this post.

Amander said...

Oh my goodness, your time-line made me laugh so hard.

Long live pajama pants (and long ones, at that)!

familyof4 said...

I need to check out the Tall Girl Shop because I need a longer inseam!! I'm sure I don't need to explain why it's uncomfortable
=0) I have problems too finding jeans that are long enough. Have you tried the Lean and Long from Gap? Are those short on you too? I bought some in November and have loved them!

mrs. timberlake said...

a few things are missing from this post...
A) the link to the site of the shop
B) a good price?
C) the top part of your cute self

Julie T. said...

Most of my pajama pants are floods on me- and I'm only 5'8"! I am excited that you found a pair- and they are VERY cute too!

Bella Beginnings said...

I remember the pants from London. They were so cute and yes, you did go back and buy some more. COngrats on finding pjs. They are a perfect fit!