I finally got home & we were able to get Nate to calm down. He wasn't crying because of his toe....he was absolutely exhausted but Wes couldn't put him to sleep with his bleeding toe. It ended up bleeding ALOT for over two hours. Everytime we'd take the towel off to see if it was done it would squirt out even more. Wes held Nate & we kept his little foot elevated and eventually it stopped. Poor little guy. All he wanted to do was go to bed.
Here's a picture of a few of the rags. I never thought a baby's toe would bleed that much.
That picture is disgusting! I have experienced the fingernail/skin cut and I know exactly how awful Wes was feeling. The smallest cut makes the most blood!
Oh good- I'm not the only one that has done that!! I cut Riley when she was about a month old. It was traumatizing (for me- they don't remember after five minutes)! Don't worry Wes, I am impressed you even attempted the toenail cutting!
I am so sorry! I remember the first time I clipped Haylee's finger. I cried and cried, almost as much as she did, and we had no where near the amount of blood that you did.
Oh poor Nate! And poor Wes! I remember I clipped Avery's finger the FIRST day home from the hospital. I felt horrible.
I'm still pregnant fyi...and owe you a phone call :)
I'm so sorry! As seen in your posts, every parent gets to experience that, A LOT! =( Sorry it had to be without you around. Wes is a trooper!
Poor little guy! Glad he's okay now!
I probably could've done without the bloody rags picture, seeing as how easy it is to gross me out and all. However, I do feel bad for poor little Nate. Keep his daddy away from his toes!
Is that picture absolutely necessary? Glad you wanted us to really be able to feel like we were right there for the event. Poor little guy!
WOW Linds-- you're lucky it wasn't you who did it. I too remember clipping Sophia's little finger, it's the worst feeling as you squeeze so hard thinking you've got only nail and then comes the delayed cry. And then your stomach in your throat. And then your own PROLONGED cry. Yeah and I didn't see HALF of that blood you saw. The good thing is, we learned after each doing it once, how to clip her nails and be SURE you've got nothing but nail. ughh-- I really think that was one of my worst memories of the newborn stage. Glad you all made it through alright. Poor Wes.
That's so sad for everyone. Wes probably felt horrible, Nate was probably wondering what the heck was up and then I'm sure you were feeling a little guilty for not being able to get the phone. I know I always do. I'm glad it all settled! Mom to the rescue :)
Oh nasty! That's seriously crazy. Poor little guys...Wes and Nate.
I feel bad for Nate but for Wes to, I can't stand it when something like that happens. It sounds like you guys stayed pretty calm while trying to take care of the situation. Jen would have been at the ER after 5 minutes.
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