Nate is two months old today which is just crazy to me. It seems like time is just FLYING by. I never understood the statement..." I can't remember what life was like before him" but I really can't. All I know is it included many more hours of sleep! It’s amazing the changes they make each month…
* He smiles. Pretty much anyone can get a smile out of him these days….but he really responds to me, Wes & my mom….the people he sees the most!
* He coos. When he’s playing (laying down moving his arms and legs as fast as he can), he makes some great noises. I think he just loves to see what noises he can make.
* He still loves being outside. Now that it’s a little cooler, we’ve gone on a few walks which he really enjoys.
* He’s got a strong head and loves to move it around.
* He is not a fan of tummy time. And neither am I since he pukes every time.
* He loves to kick his legs and move his arms really fast. Sometimes when he’s really happy he will sit in his crib for 10-20 minutes and move non-stop just making noise. I tried to capture it on the video but of course he stopped moving really fast as soon as he saw the camera.
* He is so aware of what is going on around him. Last night we took him out to eat with us and he just sat and stared for a good 30 minutes at everyone walking around. He's very alert and loves the world around him.
*He has started spitting up, sometimes what looks like his entire meal, so we’re monitoring that.
* He’s growing like a weed. I have a feeling he’s going to be one of those kids who doesn’t fit in clothes very easily. His 0-3 month onesies are hard to snap b/c he’s so long but they aren’t tight on his skinny body so 3-6 month clothes just drown him. Sorry bud. You must have got the “hard to find clothes” problem from me.
We had a little photo shoot this morning so there are a number of pictures and they all kinda look the same! I tried to get his cute smile but missed it every time. I also included a video.

Oh how stinkin' CUTE!!! I can't believe how big he looks. And I know exactly what your saying. Time does fly way tooooo fast. I wish it didn't at times, but then there are times that I wish could go by even faster! haha!!
What a cute video. I can't believe he is two months old already. He is so cute they are so worth all the sleep that you miss when they are babies now when they are teenagers that's a different story HeHE
Adorable!!! He looks like he's such a happy baby! Can't wait to see more.
He has changed so much! Wow! I always say how handsome he is, but he IS!
I love the first picture of him sitting in the crib. I also love how it looks as though he has popped his collar up - such a fashionista - or fashionisto - for a boy? I LOVE the updates of everything he is doing. Way to go Mom, looks like your doing good work! (and don't tell Anthony you started making dinner)... you are making me look bad.
I can't believe how grown up he looks! The video was great. We can't get enough!
Can I get the photo of Nate sitting in his crib with the 2 month card? I'd like to send it to Angie and show her Blonde Design creations in action.
How cute is he?!?! He already has changed so much! He really is so photogenic!
I LOVED the pictures! He is really growing! Thanks for the updates and pictures! I love seeing this guy in action!
I saw that you mentioned a dinner out.....hmmmmm, it may be time for an outing to Ethels with the whole gang! I love him- he is so freaking cute! I need to come over and see him! I think if he has good head control, you should ditch tummy time for awhile. Let him get his tummy under control!
I know what you mean by how Time fly’s by way to fast. He is such a handsome little guy! I really like his eyes; they have such innocence in them. I'm going to borrow your idea for the Month cards if that's ok. I made mine tonight off of Microsoft Word and I must say it looks pretty dang cute! I'll be posting it tomorrow for her 2 month update!
P.s. Speaking of hard to find clothes for you..where do you find pants that are long enough? I have a hard time finding any and it drives me crazy! Let me know!
He is getting so big! Haylee used to stop doing whatever she was doing when the camera turned on, so I would put it on the tripod, monitor the area and then act as though it wasn't there. I used a lot of tape, but with digital, you can just edit all of the you stuff out and get some seriously cute stuff of the baby when he is not expecting it! Keep the photos coming. Also, good luck with the work thing, I did it for 2 years and it was super fun. I only was gone for about 2 hours each day, but now that I am out of that, I am so happy to be home with my babies, not having to rush them around everywhere, wondering who was going to watch her next. Getting prego with number 2 was the clincher though. If I would only have had the one it would have been more manageable. So good luck!
he is seriously just such a handsome boy Linds. That first picture of him sitting up? Oh. so cute. Hey how about a picture of the whole nursery? Did you ever do that? His crib and bedding look so cute.
Oh my gosh - he is BEAUTIFUL.. wait, can I say that? Do I have to say handsome? Oh well - he is fantastic!!!
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