The first year of a baby's life is just amazing to me. It seems like he is doing something new every day! He is SUCH a smiler these days. It doesn't take much to get a grin from ear to ear. He also LOVES to hear himself make noises & he loves it even more when you make the noise back to him. He sticks out his tongue a lot & is overall, a pretty happy dude.
His latest favorite thing is a mirror. His bouncy seat has never been his favorite place but now that he found the mirror that is above his head....he loves it. He also loves the mirror on his swing. He loves mirrors so much that I had to buy one for his crib. He gets a kick out of himself.
The other night Wes was feeding him a bottle and Nate put his hands up on the bottle and held it himself! It isn't something he'll do regularly but it was pretty funny a few nights ago.
He also loves to suck on his hands and jam any fabric in his mouth, whether it be a bib, burp rag, etc. Anything he can get his hands on he likes to suck on.
A friend of mine recently had her baby and I took her dinner last night and got to hold Baby Ellie. It made me realize how BIG Nate is! She was so light and little. It's amazing how much they change & grow in a few months.

I love that it looks like he is still sportin' the floods! So cute! Glad things are going well for you guys.
I can't believe how big he is getting and are those floods on him? Jen's Collin has the opposite problem his legs are short so she buys him shorts and they look like really long shorts, it's pretty funny. Some babies have everything go to the mouth Zeke is the same way and so was Becca. He's a cutie
Nate is so adorable and such a big boy now. I can't believe how much he's grown since we visited a few weeks ago. Being able to see how he changes so often gets us excited to get our little one here. We can't wait to see him for Thanksgiving and spend some time with you guys.
He looks so big...he is going to be half grown before we get to see him. We can't wait!
He looks HUGE! I can't believe how much he has grown! Wow! Can't wait to see you all in a few weeks!
Mom G
I just love that little smile! He's so cute and I love how much he's changing.
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