We went to the BYU vs. UNLV football game last night. My dad was given four box seat tickets so he offered them to me and Wes since we're big BYU football fans. I asked Sam to come with us and Wes asked a single guy at his office to come, too. We thought we might be able to play matchmaker. While everyone had a good time, we aren't very hopeful that anything will happen with them. It was our first real evening out without Nate. My parents were nice enough to come over and watch Nate! By the time we got home, he had been in bed for over an hour which was nice. It was a nice evening out!
Wes & I had a fun week last week. We went to Lucille's BBQ with Ryan & Leslie for Leslie's birthday. Ryan & Leslie are two friends that we met in our ward right when we moved in and we've been great friends with them ever since. Unfortunately, they are moving back to Utah when Ryan graduates from law school in April but we enjoy their company while we can! Last Saturday, I went with my mom to Art in the Park in Boulder City. It's an arts and crafts show that we've been going to ever since I can remember. It was a beautiful day outside which made it a great morning out. Wes went to a fight last weekend at Mandalay Bay. It was his first live fight and he had a good time. On Sunday we watched conference at my parent's house & then our entire family was there for a yummy brunch. That night we had Ryan & Leslie over for yummy pork salads for dinner. My friend Julie invited us over for a DELICIOUS dinner on Monday night. I also had book club last week where we discussed Pride & Prejudice and Jane Austen. I always enjoy an hour or two chatting with the girls. Wes was able to play golf yesterday & we had dinner again tonight with Ryan and Leslie. As you can see, we were both out and about a lot last week which was fun! This week is JAM packed with church stuff every night!
My favorite show to watch after school growing up was LOVE CONNECTION. (this was before Saved By the Bell) Too bad it sounds like you can't claim the matchmaking title just yet.
Is there anything better than craft/art shows in the fall?
Oh how I don't envy weeks crammed with church stuff. Make sure to take time for Lindsay!
We were at the game too. Go cougars!
I was very disappointed that BYU won last night! Even though I graduated from BYU, I am still very much a Rebel fan! Anyways- our tickets are a few sections over from where you were- so if I would have known where you were I would have waved! I'm glad that you had a good night out- you definitely need that every once and a while!
You sound like you are having way tooooo much fun! Can I live vicariously through you for a while???
I agree you are having way to much fun and it sounds like you aren't doing to much cooking either (hehe)
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