Wednesday, October 10, 2007

a self-soother?

I know I'm probably speaking WAY too soon....but could Nate really turn in to a self-soother on his own? You have to understand that prior to this last weekend, Nate didn't fall asleep ANYWHERE on his own. The movement in the car would put him to sleep but he never just fell asleep on my bed....or in his vibrating seat....or anywhere! We always had to spend a LONG time soothing him and getting him to sleep. He's just not a sleeper.

However, lately, he hasn't been falling asleep as we do our "soothing routine" and if he does, he wakes up when we put him in his crib. After a few times of that we just put him in his crib and walk out. He has been putting himself to sleep! He did it twice today for his naps already! What a wonderful thing. Lets hope it stays and that I don't jinx myself.

One of my future goals for Nate was for me to be able to put him in his crib awake, but ready to sleep, and be able to kiss him goodnight and walk out of the room. Could he really be doing this on his own without crying? Keep your fingers crossed for me.


Lillie said...

My fingers are crossed so tight you have no idea. Sleep and kids has got to be one of the heaviest things in life- most stressful, most joyful when the routine's good. It could be true Linds! Stick with it! They form new patterns pretty quick.

mrs. timberlake said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE hearing this! Honestly, it's such a huge thing to accomplish! Now you know he can do it.... So that in itself is huge. KEEP IT UP! Keep walking away.

I don't want to get hate blog mail for saying that...

Ali said...

I believe it is a learned behavior. If you teach him that he needs you to sooth him to sleep, he will accept that. If you teach him he doesn't (which it seems you have) he will do it on his own. He'll take your cue if you stick with it long enough...that is the challenge.

Trisha said...

I've learned that the most important thing to do when teaching your child habits, behaviors, routines, etc. is to be consistent. It works wonders. Keep up the good work even if he's not the consistent one at first. Eventually it will catch on.

familyof4 said...

Keeping a normal routine works the best for us! The "Future" goal you are talking about WILL work, just keep doing it. Lauren does it sometimes without a fuss, but other times she prefers to be fall asleep in my arms. Keep up the good work :)

Julie T. said...

I am very jealous! Riley didn't put herself to sleep until she was like 2 1/2!! I think you are doing such a good job! This time around I want to know all your secrets! I cannot have another baby that doesn't sleep!