. Wes is going on a 3-day business trip. I may move in with my mom.
I wasn't kidding.
Nate on his new Lightning McQueen bike. This was a Christmas present we hid until now and he loves it. His eyes LIT up when he saw it at grandma Marz's house!
Me and the boys pretty much spent three days at my parent's house while Wes was gone! Nate is struggling a little bit with Ryan's arrival. He loves Ryan to pieces but he's being very naughty and is quite emotional lately. So I decided having my mom around would make the three days a little more enjoyable for all of us and she was happy to help.
While I see my parent's regularly - it's rarely just to hang out. There's usually a purpose. So it was kinda nice to just live there and not have anything we had to do. We played outside. I was able to spend some time with just me and Nate. Nate rode his new Lightning McQueen bike for hours. And after Nate went to bed at night I was able to just chat with my parents which was kinda nice. We sat on my parent's bed with a cranky Ryan (he's fussy at night) trying to keep him awake while watching TV.
It was all kinda fun.
My dad had knee surgery last week so when he gets home from work [yes, he went right back to work] - he lays on his bed for a while. Nate went in over and over to read papa stories while he rested his knee.
Sounds like a nice little vacation for you :)
How wonderful to have family near by. I am scared to death to have two, you give me courage!
I am so glad your parents are there for you! It looks like Grandpa Marz LOVES being read to, too!!! Can't wait! Tell Nate to get his books ready for Grandma G!
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