Tuesday, March 9, 2010

what a difference a baby makes

Many of you have heard the line - "i do not like newborns" - come out of my mouth a time or two. Nate as a newborn scarred me. He always wanted to be held. He was a terrible sleeper and struggled with nursing after a while. He turned in to quite a good little kid (for the most part) but the beginning was rough for me. Not only was he a little difficult, but the adjustment from working full-time to being at home all day with a baby was also a hard one. Oh, and tack on a really painful recovery from Nate's labor {somehow pushing out Ryan, a 9-pounder, was easier to recover from this time!}. All of this lead me to my "i don't like newborns" statement.

But I'm taking that statement back this go-around.

I'm really enjoying having a newborn baby around.

Maybe it's because Ryan is a good newborn. He loves to eat. He's now 10 pounds 5 ounces! He has his fussy times but overall he's pretty content. He's patient with his big brother always in his face. He has improved with his sleeping habits. Newborns have such a sweet spirit about them. If all babies were like Ryan - I'm starting to see how people get baby hungry!

Although today was a rough day for Mr. Ryan - he was circumcised. I absolutely hate this part of having boys. I heard him screaming down the hall while they were numbing him but then he was calm the rest of the procedure. But today has been a little rough. He is either sleeping or crying. Or both. And it's not his usual cry - it's more of an "i'm in pain" kind of cry. Which is heartbreaking!

We sure do love this kid.

enjoying a sponge bath.
we wear hats in our house.

i finally got a photo of ryan and aunt sam.


Lauren said...

I am so happy to read this post (not that Ryan was circumcised- that poor little guy). Happy for you and it gives me hope. I've also given the "i don't like newborns" claim and I often wonder if I will ever go through it again. Sometimes I get "another child" hungry, but never "baby" hungry. The thought of another newborn makes me nauseous.

Maybe someday...

mrs. timberlake said...

i have been waiting for this post. i have seen glimpses of where you were headed... and here it is. lindsay likes newborns.


i knew i you were headed to the other side.

but i am glad --- for you.

Nikki, Cody, and Tessa said...

Lucky for us, we both have good newborns. Phewww. Sigh.

Alisha said...

Ryan is going to be passing up Adison in weight before too long...at 4 months she was only 13 pounds 13 ounces. In one of the pictures I think Ryan looked a little bit like Nate??? So cute!

laurel said...

I am so glad you are enjoying the newborn phase this time around! Maybe there's hope for a good newborn for all of us? Haha - not likely for me! Oh and sorry for the painful day - ouch. Out here they get circ. at the hospital so that seems strange to hear it happens so much later for you guys.

Sammy said...

Finally I made it only the blog. I was the first one to see him make his debut into this world...

Amander said...

That pic of Sam and Ryan is so cute!

And good babies are amazing to have around. Fussy babies make you want to die.

Kiley said...

i told you newborns can be fun! he is so adorable!

The Skeehan Family said...

Loving reading this and past posts. Yeah!! I'm glad you like the newborn stage this time around - definitely makes it easier when the baby helps with that. The pictures are fantastic. You are seeming to handle two sooo much better than me {not a surprise there, though}.

And Utah was awesome but insanely busy for some reason. Today was a little rough and I didn't want to call you while being uber grumpy. So, tomorrow, happy mimi will call you. Can't wait to visit and hear more about your darling two boys.

Doreen Griffeth said...

LOVE these pictures of the boys! I love the one with Nate in the cowboy hat and Ryan in his own hat! Too cute! Can't wait to see them!

Andrus Family said...

I have to agree, it makes ALL the difference in the world if you have a "good" baby! So does this make you want to have a couple more?? :)

Teisha said...

He's so adorable! congrats. I hope he is feeling better!

katierose said...

you know, a good newborn really DOES make all the difference! i'm SOOOOO glad he's a good boy. and i bet you're a lot more efficient this time around. i know i was a lot more relaxed with georgie. i can't wait to hold the BIG boy. this cold is making me crazy!