Sunday, March 21, 2010

Where's Nate?

A little over a week ago Nate started climbing out of his "big boy bed". He's been in this bed for 6+ months and just decided to climb out. I know, I should be grateful that he stayed in there so long but I really didn't need to add that to the list of "new" right now!

He is usually hammered at night so he goes right to bed but nap time is an entirely different story. He's slowly learning that he doesn't have to go to sleep (even though he still really needs a nap) but he does have to have quiet time in his room.

Today, we thought he was asleep because he was super quiet & he hadn't come downstairs. I brought some stuff upstairs and saw that his door was open. I started looking around for him and saw that Ryan's door was open (Ryan was asleep in his crib).

Nate was hiding in Ryan's closet with his blanky - hoping I wouldn't find him. I had to laugh.


The Skeehan Family said...

hahahahaha.... at least he wasn't in the crib WITH ryan. That's fun to find, let me tell you.

Doreen Griffeth said...

That boy!! Sounds like something his dad might have done!!!!
Keep trying for your sanity!
Love the new picture!

Alisha said...

Funny boy! I love the pictures and updates!

Taralee said...

hahahaha!!! That's so funny. What a little stinker. Luckily he didn't wake his brother beause then you wouldn't have thought it was funny, huh? :)

Taralee said...

oh yea, and while I was reading I thought for sure that you were going to say that he was sleeping next to Ryan in his crib. haha!