To say it's been a little crazy in our house is an understatement. Here is why:
Wes turned in to quite the business traveler. For three of the weeks in March, he was gone 4/5 business days! While many people instantly pity me for having to be a mom all alone, traveling that much is not enjoyable. Wes has definitely learned that his own bed and his own couch are much better than a hotel room. The one positive thing is that he's definitely securing our Southwest Companion Pass and free flights for many years to come.
I developed a new-found respect for working moms. Let me re-phrase, single working moms. Because with Wes' travel schedule I was flying solo a good portion of the month and of course this is the month that work kicked by butt. I'm usually only in the office one day a week but in the month of March I was there all day, every day for 3 weeks straight working on a m-a-s-s-i-v-e project that is finally over. And when I say m-a-s-s-i-v-e, I mean a 1,000 page RFP document with over 50 sections that Dana and I were in charge of managing. Yes, I said 1,000 pages that had to be written and compiled by a group of us. And then we had to make 10 sets of it. It was a real treat. Luckily we had many people ready to help whenever we asked for anything. And I mean, anything. I felt like I was back at BYU working on my final advertising campaign that occupied my life for months. This project even involved kinko's at midnight the night before it was due.
Luckily Wes was able to be in town the last two days before my deadline so he could pick up Nate at the end of the day and get him in bed without me worrying about it. Wes took some photos on one of their nightly walks . . .
Take a look at Nate's tongue. This is exactly what Wes and Grandpa G. do when they are focusing!
My mom deserves a Grandma of the Year award for taking Nate ALOT and I'm VERY grateful to Kiley for taking on a second job of taking care of Nate when my mom couldn't. And Kiley gets a treat every time she watches Nate - he ALWAYS poops at least once for Kiley. It must be his way of saying that he likes her. I consider myself very lucky to have these two around to take care of my little dude while I'm gone. I didn't worry about Nate for one minute while I was at work so much.
I'm definitely ready to be a stay at home working mama again so I can actually spend some time with my little dude. Being gone from 9-6 every day is a long day without him! He's probably wondering what the heck just happened.
While there were moments of fun in the month of March, I'm excited to say adios.
SO glad you got your project done! I don't know HOW ON EARTH you did it all! Way to go!
wow! That does sound like a crazy month. I hope you get some down time VERY soon.
Wow. Good thing you got your project done, congrats. I start back at work on Weds., and now I an even more nervous...
Sounds like you've been sooo busy. I can hardly stand working 2 days from 8:30-3:45. Can't wait til I'm done doing that. :) I'm a wimp, though. Have a happy April.
welcome april!
you amaze me with all that you are able to accomplish husbandless.
(no offense, wes).
I know you are glad that it is over! I am sure it is fabulous! Thanks for hanging in there!
You are a superhero!
And, I know you mentioned that Ethan and Nate have the same shoes, but Ethan also has the same shirt. Too funny.
Hope next month is better!
It makes me kind of sick to my stomach to think about that kind of work... and to remember that project. Even though I'm pretty sure you did like 75% of the work for the whole group... I still feel embarassed about that.
Sounds like a tough month! I am sure Nate is very happy to get to see his mamma more:) I totally agree with the single mom thing. . . it is really hard to have to do so much by yourself!
We love Nate, Hadley has had fun with her buddy this month! Its nice to have good friends because I don't know what i'd do with out you! I know you have saved me so much by taking Hadley off my hands.
p.s if he ever gets plugged up, just bring him to my house!
You didn't even list everything...like the company, church callings, etc.! I am always glad to see the end of months like you just had! Enjoy April!
I am happy for you to be over. I was exhausted just reading about your busy month! Yeah for April!
Wow...busy month for you! I'm sorry you have been husbandless and so busy. I hope next month everything gets a little easier!
i don't remember the last time i saw your son without a hat on...
Wow! Im glad march is over for you as well! Thats a tough month :(
Now all we have to work on is getting that husband of yours to STAY put :)
Did your mom tell you I saw her at the park with Nate? Funny, to say the least, that I did in fact see Nate...just not with you. How's Nate feeling? What'd the doc say?
I saw that you are coming to AZ. Let me know when and if you are not too busy and we can get together. It would be so fun to see you!
so, so, so, so, so glad that's behind you! great shots of nate, by the way. i think your photography is great!
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